2005 Daria Fanworks Awards

This is a complete list of nominees and winners of the 2nd Daria Fanworks Awards. They were given out on February 1, 2006 for works released in 2005. Winners are listed in combined boldfacing and italics. Winners who provided the necessary postal information were sent pewter award pins like those to the right.
Written works[edit]
Favourite Overall
- "Forgotten but not Gone" by The Angst Guy
- "Rockabye Sweet Baby Jane" by Ranger Thorne
- "All My Children #13: Expanding Horizons" by Thea Zara and Deref
- "So Long As Men Can Breathe" by E. A. Smith
- "The Tempest" by E. A. Smith
- "Three" by Richard Lobinske
- "Illusions" by CharlieGirl, The Angst Guy and Angelinhel
- "Mother's Love" by Richard Lobinske
- "Last Stage Out" by Renfield
Favourite Comedy
- "The Bands of Summer" by Gregor Samsa
- "At The Harvest Festival" by Ostragoth
- "Attack of the Fifty Foot Fashion Club" by Gregor Samsa
- "A Step Too Far" by DJW
- "The Third Woman?" by Brian Taylor
- "A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing" by Kristen Bealer
- "Extra Credit" by Brandon League
- "Cynical Symphonies: Introducing Daria Morgenbunny" by Ranger Thorne
- "My Big Fat Lawndale Wedding" by Teeki
- "It's That Guy" by Richard Lobinske
Favourite Drama
- "Kidnapped" by Lawndale Stalker
- "The Tempest" by E. A. Smith
- "Last Stage Out" by Renfield
- "Journey to the End of the Fashion Club" by Scissors MacGillicutty
- "All My Children #13: Expanding Horizons" by Thea Zara and Deref
- "All My Children #15: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Jake" by Thea Zara and Deref
- "Spring Breaks" by Thea Zara
- "Best friends, Forever and Ever" by Sleepless
- "Falling Into College #39: And the Bubble Burst" by Richard Lobinske
- "When the Torrent of That Time Comes Pouring Back" by The Angst Guy
Favourite Dramatic Comedy
(Added in the drama category for having only one nomination)
Favourite Melodrama
- "Three" by Richard Lobinske
- "Last Stage Out" by Renfield
- "To Understand" by Angelinhel
- "Journey to the End of the Fashion Club" by Scissors MacGillicutty
- "Graduation" by Angelinhel
- "Be Careful What You Wish For" by Angelinhel
- "Cries For Help" by Dervish
- "Is It Doom Yet?" by Richard Lobinske
- "Darius" by The Angst Guy
- "When the Torrent of That Time Comes Pouring Back" by The Angst Guy
Favourite Romance – Straight/Gay/Lesbian
- "All My Children #13: Expanding Horizons" by Thea Zara and Deref
- "All My Children #14: The Moon in the Man" by Thea Zara and Deref
- "Night Holds the Key" by Anachronism Girl
- "Lead Us Not Into Temptation" by Richard Lobinske
- "Falling Into College #25: Freedom Of Speech" by Richard Lobinske
- "Quiet Girl" by Sleepy Lotus
- "Falling Into College #19: Seeking Hearts" by Richard Lobinske
- "Falling Into College #35: A Few Important Details" by Richard Lobinske
- “Quinn’s Nights at Casa Lane” by Dervish
- “Dariatation” by Sailor Ranger (a.k.a Angelboy)
Favourite School-Centered (Lawndale High)
- “Still Life” by Angelinhel
- “We All Fall Down” by Angelinhel
- ”A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing” by Kristen Bealer
- "Graduation" by Angelinhel
- "A Very English Fanfic" by Phoebe Neale
- "At The Harvest Festival" by Ostragoth
- "Achievement Appeasement" by Dervish
- "Driven Wild #21: Into the Fire" by Kara Wild
- "Driven Wild #22: Tomorrow Never Knows" by Kara Wild
- "John Lane #4: The Maze Thing" by Richard Lobinske
Favourite Jane Story
- "Falling Into College #30: A Part That’s Gained" by Richard Lobinske
- "Rockabye Sweet Baby Jane" by Ranger Thorne
- "The Question" by Angelinhel
- "Deus Jane" by The Angst Guy
- "Home for Pizza a.k.a Of Sibling Bonding" by Kaimelar Feylove
- "The Third Woman?" by Brian Taylor
- "Be Careful What You Wish For" by Angelinhel
- "So Long As Men Can Breathe" by E. A. Smith
- "Seven Days" by E. A. Smith
- "Falling Into College #38: Lane Closure" by Richard Lobinske
Favourite Helen Story
- "Falling Into College #28: The Parents Are At Rest" by Richard Lobinske
- "Falling Into College #24: Silver Lining" by Richard Lobinske
- "The Tempest" by E. A. Smith
- "All My Children #13: Expanding Horizons" by Thea Zara and Deref'
- "All My Children #14: The Moon in the Man" by Thea Zara and Deref
- "All My Children #15: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Jake" by Thea Zara and Deref
- "All My Children #16: Summer of Love" by Thea Zara and Deref
- "Falling Into College #39: And the Bubble Burst" by Richard Lobinske
Favourite Jake Story
- "Falling Into College #28: The Parents Are At Rest" by Richard Lobinske
- "Alley" by Angelinhel
- "Falling Into College #24: Silver Lining" by Richard Lobinske
- "All My Children #13: Expanding Horizons" by Thea Zara and Deref
- "All My Children #14: The Moon in the Man" by Thea Zara and Deref
- "All My Children #15: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Jake" by Thea Zara and Deref
- "All My Children #16: Summer of Love" by Thea Zara and Deref
- "The Love Song of Jake Alfred Morgendorffer" by Gregor Samsa
- "The Tempest" by E. A. Smith
- "Morgendorffer PI" by Gregor Samsa
Favourite Quinn Story
- "Pause in the Air #8: April Showers" by The Angst Guy
- "Falling Into College #31: Esteeming Lysistrata" by Richard Lobinske
- "The One Day We Forget" by Brother Grimace
- "Falling Into College #22: Fashionable Graduation" by Richard Lobinske
- "Memorial Day" by Angelinhel
- "Lunchtime, Doubly So..." by Brother Grimace
- "Tallil" by Decelaraptor
- "Graduation" by Angelinhel
- "Driven Wild #21: Into the Fire" by Kara Wild
- "Driven Wild #22: Tomorrow Never Knows" by Kara Wild
Favourite Use of a Background Character From the Television Series
- "Falling Into College #27: Lost Eagles Found" by Richard Lobinske
- "All My Children #13: Expanding Horizons" by Thea Zara and Deref
- “Still Life” by Angelinhel
- "Illusions: The Unswerving Punctuality of--" by CharlieGirl and et alia (a.k.a Scissors MacGillicutty)
- "Monique's Subtraction" by Richard Lobinske
- "Country Wisdom" by Kristen Bealer
- "Last Stage Out" by Renfield
- "John Lane #8: Killing a Legend" by Richard Lobinske
- "Pause in the Air #9: Labor Relations" by The Angst Guy
- "Spring Breaks" by Thea Zara
Favourite Pre-Esteemsters
- "All My Children #13: Expanding Horizons" by Thea Zara and Deref
- "All My Children #14: The Moon in the Man" by Thea Zara and Deref
- "All My Children #15: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Jake" by Thea Zara and Deref
- "Highland Blues: If You Want Fashion You Got It" by Napalm Krigbaum
- "Country Wisdom" by Kristen Bealer
- "Memorial Day" by Angelinhel
- "The Question" by Angelinhel
- "Why I Hate Nachos" by Napalm Krigbaum
- "The One Day We Forget" by Brother Grimace
- "Rockabye Sweet Baby Jane" by Ranger Thorne
Favourite Post-Is It College Yet?
- "The Swan Maiden" by Nemo Blank
- "Night Holds the Key" by Anachronism Girl
- "Journey to the End of the Fashion Club" by Scissors MacGillicutty
- "Mother's Love" by Richard Lobinske
- "The Tempest" by E. A. Smith
- "My Big Fat Lawndale Wedding" by Teeki
- "Lying Eyes" by Sleepless
- "Love's Labours Trilogy" by E. A. Smith
- "Bed and Breakfast Man #30: Winter of our Discontent" by Ruthless Bunny
- "Falling Into College #25: Freedom Of Speech" by Richard Lobinske
Favourite Character Development/Redevelopment/Growth
- "When the Torrent of That Time Comes Pouring Back" by The Angst Guy
- "Falling Into College #25: Freedom of Speech" by Richard Lobinske
- "Rockabye Sweet Baby Jane" by Ranger Thorne
- "Mother's Love" by Richard Lobinske
- "The Question" by Angelinhel
- "Kidnapped" by Lawndale Stalker
- "Love's Labours Trilogy" by E. A. Smith
- "Last Stage Out" by Renfield
- "The One Day We Forget" by Brother Grimace
- "All My Children #13: Expanding Horizons" by Thea Zara and Deref
Favourite Alternate History
- "Night Holds the Key" by Anachronism Girl
- "Ms. Morgendorffer’s Profession" by Gregor Samsa
- "Rockabye Sweet Baby Jane" by Ranger Thorne
- "Three" by Richard Lobinske
- "Be Careful What You Wish For" by Angelinhel
- "The Trouble With Veronica" by Brother Grimace
- "Daria Disenfranchised" by Napalm Krigbaum
- "Is It Doom Yet?" by Richard Lobinske
- "Driven Wild #22: Tomorrow Never Knows" by Kara Wild
- "John Lane #1: John" by Richard Lobinske
Favourite Crossover/Parody
- "Is It Doom Yet?" by Richard Lobinske
- "Holy Bad Idea!" by DJW
- "Free Your Mind Instead" by Steve Cross
- "Extra Credit" by Brandon League
- "Cynical Symphonies: Introducing Daria Morgenbunny" by Ranger Thorne
- "The Love Song of Jake Alfred Morgendorffer" by Gregor Samsa
- "Morgendorffer PI" by Gregor Samsa
- "Daria/Star Wars" by Ranger Thorne (chapters 1 through 4, and Special features)
- "The Third Woman?" by Brian Taylor
Favourite Science Fiction
- "Drive" by The Angst Guy
- "Three" by Richard Lobinske
- "Mother's Love" by Richard Lobinske
- "It's That Guy" by Richard Lobinske
- "Daria/Star Wars" by Ranger Thorne (chapters 1 through 4, and Special features)
- "Attack of the Fifty Foot Fashion Club" by Gregor Samsa
- "Is It Doom Yet?" by Richard Lobinske
- "Free Your Mind Instead" by Steve Cross
- "Illusions" by CharlieGirl, The Angst Guy and Angelinhel
Favourite Supernatural or Fantasy Horror
- "Aftershocks" by Angelinhel
- "Graduation" by Angelinhel
- "Encounters of the Vampire Kind" by DJW
- "Seven Days" by E. A. Smith
- "Sudden Death Overtime" by The Angst Guy
- "Be Careful What You Wish For" by Angelinhel
- "Cries For Help" by Dervish
- "To Understand" by Angelinhel
- "An Ill Wind" by Dervish
Favourite Supernatural or Fantasy Non-Horror
- "Why I Hate Nachos" by Napalm Krigbaum
- "Illusions" by CharlieGirl, The Angst Guy and Angelinhel
- "Daria Morgenpotter & The New Same-Old, Same-Old" by Daniel Callahan
- "Cynical Symphonies: Introducing Daria Morgenbunny" by Ranger Thorne
- "3-D Chess" by Brother Grimace
- "Is It Doom Yet?" by Richard Lobinske
- "Deus Jane" by The Angst Guy
Favourite Erotica – Straight/Gay/Lesbian
Removed as per new Wiki guidelines
Favourite Weird Idea
- "Journey to the End of the Fashion Club" by Scissors MacGillicutty
- "The Amazing Adventures of D-Day and the Mighty Jane!" by The Angst Guy
- "Illusions" by CharlieGirl, The Angst Guy and Angelinhel
- "Three" by Richard Lobinske
- "Mother's Love" by Richard Lobinske
- "Best friends, Forever and Ever" by Sleepless
- "The Trouble With Veronica" by Brother Grimace
- "Without a Shower" by MMan
- "Deus Jane" by The Angst Guy
- "Tallil" by Decelaraptor
Favourite New Series
- "First Summer" by Richard Lobinske
- "John Lane Series" by Richard Lobinske
- "Love's Labours Trilogy" by E. A. Smith
- "Cynical Symphonies: Introducing Daria Morgenbunny" by Ranger Thorne
Favourite Holiday Story
- "Falling Into College #34: For This, We’re Thankful" by Richard Lobinske
- "Falling Into College #32: Bump in the Night" by Richard Lobinske
- "Falling Into College #25: Freedom Of Speech" by Richard Lobinske
- "Falling Into College #36: Christmas Melody" by Richard Lobinske
- "The One Day We Forget" by Brother Grimace
- "Memorial Day" by Angelinhel
- "First Summer #3: Fun on the Fourth" by Richard Lobinske
Favourite Ongoing Story
- "Pause in the Air" series by The Angst Guy
- "Falling Into College" series by Richard Lobinske
- "All My Children" series by Thea Zara and Deref
- "First Summer series" by Richard Lobinske
- "Driven Wild Universe" series by Kara Wild
- "Bed and Breakfast Man" series by Ruthless Bunny
Favourite New Author
- E. A. Smith (winner - only one multiple nominee)
Favourite Non Fiction Essay
- "Daria Temporal Analysis Project" by Richard Lobinske
- "Jane Lane: Hero in the Making?" by The Angst Guy
- "Byronic Daria" by Hannah Edle
- "Daria and the Marvel Universe" by DJW
Visual works[edit]
Favorite Overall
- "Jane and Daria" by Christ Oliver
- "C'mon Daria it'll be fun" by Beatnik Shaggy
- "Ice and Fire" by nmorgendorffer
- "Meet The Barksdales" by nmorgendorffer
- "Well Met by Moonlight" by nmorgendorffer
- "World Lines: Lux Vivendi" by Greybird
- "Will they or won't they" by Christ Oliver
- "Jane, Daria & Tom" by Christ Oliver
- "Imagining Jane imagining" by Beatnik Shaggy
- "Daria Surprised" by Christ Oliver
Favorite Original
- "Imagining Jane Imagining" by Beatnik Shaggy
- "Daria - The Fashion Club" by MouseS
- "Jane and Daria" by Christ Oliver
- "Ice and Fire" by nmorgendorffer
- "Meet The Barksdales" by nmorgendorffer
- "Well Met by Moonlight" by nmorgendorffer
- "Daria Sketch" by Beatnik Shaggy
Favorite Comedy
- "Sandals" by Kemical Reaxion
- "Nurse Quinn 2" by MDetector5
- "Ice and Fire" by nmorgendorffer
- "Meet The Barksdales" by nmorgendorffer
- "Well Met by Moonlight" by nmorgendorffer
Favorite Alter Ego/Crossover
- "Daria and Trent a la Hey Arnold" by Kemical Reaxion
- "French Maid Quinn" by MDetector5
- "Slave Daria" by Lawndale Stalker
Favorite Single or Multi-Panel Comic
- "Daria What If" by Wouter
- "Be a Man" by Wouter
- "Daria Surprised" by Christ Oliver
Favorite Erotic
Removed as per new Wiki guidelines
Favorite Visual Inspired by the Television Series or Official Books
- "Daria's Yearbook Picture" by Kemical Reaxion
- "Daria My Way" by obsidianfyre
- "Quinn and Daria Morgendorffer" by neoreflection
- "Trent Lane" by Track9
Favorite Visual Inspired by a Fan Written Work
- "John Lane" By Richard Lobinske
- "Portrait of Jane Lane (from 'April is the Cruelest Month')" by SRA
- "Portrait of Daria Morgendorffer (from 'April is the Cruelest Month')" by SRA
- "Jane's Gown" by Richard Lobinske
- "Darius" by Ranchoth
- "World Lines: Lux Vivendi" by Greybird
- "Ice and Fire" by nmorgendorffer
- "Meet The Barksdales" by nmorgendorffer
- "Well Met by Moonlight" by nmorgendorffer
- "Daria from Accidental Future" by Beatnik Shaggy
Favorite Holiday Visual
- "Quinn Finds an Easter Egg" by Angelinhel
- "Daria's Easter Bonnet" by Thea Zara
- "Jane, Daria & Tom" by Christ Oliver
Favorite Image Manipulation
One entry only. Moved to the alter-egos section.
Favorite Digital (completely computer generated)
No entries.
Favorite Traditional (pencil, ink, paint with no computer manipulation)
- "Daria's Yearbook Picture" by Kemical Reaxion
- "Ice and Fire" by nmorgendorffer
- "Meet The Barksdales" by nmorgendorffer
- "Well Met by Moonlight" by nmorgendorffer
Favorite Mixed Media
No entries.
Favorite Sculpture
No entries.
Favorite New Artist
Preceded by 2004 Daria Fanworks Awards |
2nd Daria Fanworks Awards 2005 |
Succeeded by 2006 Daria Fanworks Awards |