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*"I spend <i>hours</i> pondering what Amy meant in "I Don't" when she said: 'Change the radio station and you're a dead man.' <i>Why</i> was she so concerned about the radio station?? More so than about her very <i>expensive</i> car?? Did the radio station, perhaps, represent a window into her <i>soul</i>, and once it was changed, her soul was lost <i>forever</i>??" -- [[Amy Terwilliger]], "[[In Search of Amy]]"
*"I mean <i>God</i>, don't these people have <i>lives?!</i> Do they <i>seriously</i> spend all their waking hours thinking about <i>me</i>?! <i>Hello?!!</i> I am a <i>cartoon</i> character! (pounds on the table.) I'm not even <i>real!</i> So why don't you all just get <i>lives?!</i> Move <i>out</i> of your parents' garages and get jobs! Find <i>real</i> activities, think about <i>real</i> stuff -- not what's happening in some imaginary television <i>virtual</i> world!!!!!" -- [[Amy Barksdale]], "[[In Search of Amy]]"
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