Adelaide Gardens Convalescent Center

Opened in 1964, the Adelaide Gardens Convalescent Center is a residential health care facility located on the outskirts of Lawndale that specializes in patients with mental disorders. It provides long-term residential care for patients with mental disorders, elderly patients with degenerative and long-term conditions that affect mental states and brain function, and hospice care for terminally-ill patients with these conditions and illnesses.

A large facility (it holds over 300 'residents'), Adelaide Gardens is supported by several large trusts (including grants by the families of Tom Sloane and David Allen Farrington, as well as a very large annual grant from the United States Government (which secretly uses the facility for covert neurological and psychological studies of many conditions and illnesses). Furthermore, the facility has a 'secure care' wing that can hold up to 150 more residents who are remanded to the custody of the facility by order of various local governments, the State of Maryland, or the Federal Government itself. (The facility has also been designated by the United States Department of Extranormal Affairs as a temporary confinement and containment facility for metahumans with psionic-based abilities along the Eastern United States, should the need ever arise.)

Adelaide Gardens is a especially well-run and well-maintained facility, which maintains an especially high level of quality in overall services and in its staff. The facility is usually ranked highly on national lists of facilities of its nature, and has rerely recieved negative feedback on the quality of care given its residents (which includes a high-quality, healthy daily menu, plentiful 'green areas' throughout the facility with assorted flora, and a in-house kennel where patients may house their pets from home, as well as fraternize with the animals that live on the premises as ongoing therapy and for the general comfort of the residents).

As the Federal Government has a vested interest in the facility, the visible security features of the facility are comparable to any minimum-security confinement facility. There is a 24-hour uniformed security staff (which, for the well-being of the residents, is rarely seen inside the primary facility); a second group of plainclothes security officers operates inside the main facility. All uniformed security officers are issued a PFT Weapon, and can be at any location within the facility within ninety seconds.

Timothy O'Neill was placed at the facility after having a nervous breakdown in Legion of Lawndale Heroes. Also, Alexander Milhous Graham was responsible for performing an unauthorized experimental procedure upon a young woman living at Adelaide Gardens in Legion of Lawndale Heroes 12.6.