Alternate Universe: Difference between revisions

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Due to a widespread interest in sci-fi & fantasy among Daria fans, fanfic writers have created a number of organisations that look out for and patrol the various universes: often, they will be staffed by alternate versions of known characters. Several of these groups have become [[shared universe]] concepts, open to all writers: they include [[DELPHI]] (a covert intelligence organization within the U.S. Government on various worlds with inter-dimensional travel capabilities), the [[Ringbearers|Corps of Ringbearers]] (a pan-dimensional group similar to the Green Lantern Corps with a focus on threats of mystic/pseudo-mystic origin, humanitarian relief efforts and covert intelligence-gathering operations), [[The Agency]] (another pan-dimensional organization that acts to maintain temporal/universal integrity, in the same vein as the ''[! Voyagers]'' and ''[ Project Quantum Leap]''), and [[The Foundation]] (mystical group trying to keep the omniverse intact).
A ''vast'' amount of original characters, and significant variations of canon cast, exist in these fics. For(for a DariaWiki list of original AU ''Daria'' characters, go to [ Alternate Universe Characters]) and a number of them are either specific, highly divergent AU versions of canon characters, or a family member that only exists due to the divergent universe. SeveralExamples of the originalformer charactersinclude have appeared[[Judith]], ina fanficssociopathic setsupervillain inDaria differentwho AUscrosses andover someinto haveother beenuniverses; used[[Lynn byQuinn severalMichaelis]], differenta writersQuinn distorted to ludicrous effect "Joel Schumacher's" [[Daria the Movie]]. Examples of the latter include [[Veronica Morgendorffer]], becominga shared''third'' universeMorgendorffer characterssibling who is younger than Quinn and is irritated that Daria keeps forgetting about her.
Several of the original characters have appeared in fanfics set in different AUs and some have been used by several different writers, becoming shared universe characters.
==External Links==
