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Amanda has only two speaking appearances, in episodes "[[Lane Miserables]]" and "[[Art Burn]]", often being absent from
[[Lawndale]]. In fact, Vincent and Amanda's constant absence from the Lane household, a recurring theme in ''Daria'', is often mentioned in passing during some episodes by Jane, though she does not seem too upset by it. In one episode, Jane herself describes Amanda and Vincent's parenting as "benign neglect".
From her appearance in "[[Lane Miserables]]" and her housekeeping notes in "[[The Daria Database]]", Amanda seems a very mellow and relaxed woman, maintaining a extremely laid back attitude regarding parenthood, ignoring the problems and confusion around her and being somewhat lax in enforcing rules, standards, or even basic cleanliness around her house. She's also unclear (and unconcerned) about who's in the house at any given time, being unconcerned in "Database" that squatters might be in the basement "again" as "I'm pretty sure they're harmless"; she didn't bother to investigate and see if they were there, even though she thinks it could be some of her children.
Amanda is seen working in her workshop with a kiln and a potter's wheel when she is at home. In the broadcast episodes, it appears that her workshop is in the basement of the Lane house (though the map of [[Lawndale]] in "[[The Daria Diaries]]" indicates it is in an old bomb shelter).
From her appearance in [[Lane Miserables]], Amanda seems a very mellow and relaxed woman, maintaining a extremely laid back attitude regarding parenthood, ignoring the problems and confusion around her and being somewhat lax in enforcing rules around her house. This behavior eventually turns against her in ''Lane Miserables'', when the sudden concentration of the Lane family members in her house overwhelms her and she has to go ask help to [[Helen Morgendorffer|Helen]] in ways to get her own house back.
Regarding raising children, Amanda likes to quote a proverb of holding a butterfly in one's hand as her motto. (Jane is fed up of hearing it but holds her tongue.) She's willing to let her children do whatever they want in order to find themselves, reasoning that they'll get bored, to the extent that she's unconcered when her grandchildren [[Adrian]] and [[Courtney]] run away to the Lane house without their mother. She's said she's proud of how she has such "interesting and articulate children and grandchildren". In a hypocritical move, she gave up on the butterfly proverb once the family members were impacting on her; she also admits in "[[Art Burn]]" that, rather than let him choose, they lied to [[Wind Lane|Wind]] to stop him changing his name to Ronald. Amanda has cited letting Trent camp in the back garden until he got bored as successful parenting; she doesn't know that Trent was waiting for someone to invite him back in and he's depressed by the memory.
Amanda is seen working in her workshop with a kiln and a potter's wheel when she is at home. In the broadcast episodes, it appears that her workshop is in the basement of the Lane house (though the map of [[Lawndale]] in "[[The Daria Diaries]]" indicates it is in an old bomb shelter).
"The Daria Database" shows that Amanda isn't bothered by the mess at home, and that she's also lax on basic maintenance. She's also absent-minded about whether bills have been paid and tends to leave blank cheques behind for Trent and Jane to use.
Later in the episode, Vincent comments to Wind that Amanda and himself try to work their marriage issues by role-playing and hitting each other with foam rubber bats.
LaterVincent and Amanda are often in completely different parts of the episodeworld to each other. "The Daria Database" mentions an exception, when they toured East Europe together. Vincent commentsonce said to Wind that Amanda and himself try to work out their marriage issues by role-playing and hitting each other with foam rubber bats.
Regarding raising children, Amanda seems to like to quote the proverb of holding a butterfly in one's hand as her motto, a proverb which Jane detests.
==In Fanfiction==
