Angelboy: Difference between revisions

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[[Daria's War]] - The cast of Daria is sick of the fanfic authors mucking about with their lives, and they decide to do something about it.
[[Is It Smiting Yet?]] - Co-authored with [[atimnie]]. When Xena and company trade places with Daria, and a few others, the world gets turned upside down.
[[Diary Entries]] - Co-authored with [[atimnie]]. Due to unforeseen happenstances, Jodie is landed with leading a new club, in which secrets are always being revealed. Will Lawndale be able to cope? Has dropped out of writing this fic, and given complete control over to [[atimnie]] and [[digisim]]
[[Embers]] - Someone longs for Daria's attention, and wants desperately to be with her. However this person is too shy, reserved, and scared to approach her. Will the two get together or will the cruel hand of fate divide them forever?