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==Scarlet Lightsabers==
A running joke among the writers seen as Angst Lords is that they (or their self-inserts within fanfic) carry lightsabers with scarlet-hued lightsabersblades, thus symbolizing their connection to the Dark Side of Daria fanfic (much as Dark Jedi and Sith Lords carry scarlet-hued lightsabers within the Star Wars universe, as opposed to Light Side-aligned Jedi, who carry lightsabers usually of a bluish or green hue).
To carry it further, new Angst Lords are 'presented' with a lightsaber upon 'becoming an Angst Lord' (ex. Scissors MacGillicutty was given a lightsaber by Brother Grimace just before the initial posting of '[[Where's Mary Sue When You Need Her?]]').