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[[Image:Bump.jpg|thumb|left|Bump by RLobinske]]
==''Falling into College'' Bump==
Bump (also known as "Your Grace," "The Lady of The House," "She-Who-Walks-Softly", "Daughter of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastet_(mythology) Bast]"), and most famously - 'your Goddess, made her first appearance in the FIC episode "[[Bump in the Night]]," where she was living in the BFAC Exhibit Hall (or was at least inside at the time). It was during a Halloween party that Bump presented Daria with a gift of a rodent she had killed, and lay it atop her feet to show that she had chosen her. Bump was spayed at the Raft Vet School in "[[The Last Piece Falls]]," and in "[[For This, We’re Thankful]]," made Helen very nervous when she brushed against her ankles during preparation of the Thanksgiving dinner. (This incident caused Helen to reveal that, while living in a commune in her younger days, she had several unpleasant experiences with rats. This could also be a possible reason why Daria and [[Quinn Morgendorffer|Quinn]] were never allowed to have pets as children.)
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In [[A Home at Summer’s End]] (chronologically, Bump's first appearance), it is revealed that Bump was a homeless animal that wandered the streets of Boston since she was a kitten. It was also revealed that Bump's family consisted of her mother, two sisters and a brother, all of whom are now deceased. Bump witnessed the death of her sister [[Sissy]], [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tortoiseshell_cat a tortoise-shell cat] who had the same markings as their mother, when she was (presumably) killed by a red car at a student parking garage. [[Amy Barksdale]] drives a red car, as revealed in "[[I Don't]]," as does [[Helen Morgendorffer]] (her SUV), but it is unknown if either one was responsible for the death of Bump's sister. In the story, [[Bumpmas]], it was revealed that she also had a brother. He also wrote a brief "Red Dwarf" crossover that made a clone of Bump (created by [[Karen Myerson|Karen]] and [[Derek Adler|Derek]] after the death of the original Bump) the start of the lineage that led to Lister's cat Frankenstein. This clone, named '[[Night]]' by Daria, was not spayed and allowed to have litters of kittens.
Bump made two appearances in the ''[[Judith Strikes]]/[[Worldburner]]'' crossovers, set in FiC continuity: in the first, Bump led other cats in defeating the world-hopping supervillain [[Judith]]'s schemes. In the second, a more powerful Judith slaughtered Bump in revenge before destroying the rest of the FiC universe.
==Alternate Bumps==
[[Brother Grimace]] has mentioned on several occasions that Bump is his favorite Falling Into College character, and has used the character in several fanfics; the darkest fic to feature the character was an AU post-apocalyptic fic entitled "[[Pet Food]]." He also used Bump as the Red Paws Force Power Ranger in his [[Fandemonium]] entries, and was the one that issued the challenge that inspired Richard Lobinske to write a FIC story, "[[I Meant to Do That]]," that focuses on Bump and her adventures with Daria & company over the course of a Sunday. He has also written two crossover fics about Bump: a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargate_SG-1 Stargate SG-1]-themed piece titled [[Bump, The System Lord]], and [[Piano Practice]], which is based on the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Walt_Disney_Company Walt Disney] film [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_School_Musical_2 High School Musical 2]. In [[Tales of the Ringbearers|Balance]], Brother Grimace wrote that Sissy was saved immediately after the accident in "A Home at Summer's End" and, via a complicated process, reunited with Bump after "Bumpmas".