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Bump is obviously very fond of Daria, and (in cat language) refers to her as "The Chosen One." She calls [[Michael Fulton]] "Searcher in Earth" due to him smelling faintly of soil after his archeological work. She refers to [[Karen Myerson]] as "The Friend of Many Animals," because of her ongoing veterinary training, and Jane as "The Window Maker," due to her paintings. Bump is also somewhat agitated with Jane, as she purchases sushi pizza but chooses not to share. (This incident occured in [[I Meant to Do That]], and was hilariously parodied by [[TAG]] on the [[PPMB]] thread where the fic was first posted.) In fics, Richard has begun to allow Bump a greater 'speaking role', complete with a translation of what the cat is saying.
In [[A Home at Summer’s End]] (chronologically, Bump's first appearance), it is revealed that Bump was a homeless animal that wandered the streets of Boston since she was a kitten. It was also revealed that Bump's family consisted of her mother, two sisters and a brother, all of whom are now deceased. Bump witnessed the death of her sister [[Sissy]], [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tortoiseshell_cat a tortoise-shell cat] who had the same markings as their mother, when she was (presumably) killed by a red car at a student parking garage. [[Amy Barksdale]] drives a red car, as revealed in "[[I Don't]]," as does [[Helen Morgendorffer]] (her SUV), but it is unknown if either one was responsible for the death of Bump's sister. In the story, [[Bumpmas]], it was revealed that she also had a brother. He also wrote a brief "Red Dwarf" crossover that made a clone of Bump (created by [[Karen Myerson|Karen]] and [[Derek Adler|Derek]] after the death of the original Bump) the start of the lineage that led to Lister's cat Frankenstein. This clone, named '[[Night]]' by Daria, was not spayed and allowed to have litters of kittens.
[[Brother Grimace]] has mentioned on several occasions that Bump is his favorite Falling Into College character, and has used the character in several fanfics; the darkest fic to feature the character was an AU post-apocalyptic fic entitled "[[Pet Food]]." He also used Bump as the Red Paws Force Power Ranger in his [[Fandemonium]] entries, and was the one that issued the challenge that inspired Richard Lobinske to write a FIC story, "[[I Meant to Do That]]," that focuses on Bump and her adventures with Daria & company over the course of a Sunday. He has also written two crossover fics about Bump: a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargate_SG-1 Stargate SG-1]-themed piece titled [[Bump, The System Lord]], and [[Piano Practice]], which is based on the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Walt_Disney_Company Walt Disney] film [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_School_Musical_2 High School Musical 2]. In [[Tales of the Ringbearers|Balance]], Brother Grimace wrote that Sissy was saved immediately after the accident in "A Home at Summer's End" and, via a complicated process, reunited with Bump after "Bumpmas".
Recently, thread "bumps" at [[PPMB]] to encourage authors to continue or complete stories have featured Bump in comic mini-scenes.
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