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*'''[[Angela Li]]''': Ms. Li is the Principal at Lawndale High. She is quite authoritarian, frequently reprimanding Burnout and her friends (aka, other “high risk students”) for their truancy and delinquent behavior. Nevertheless, Li remains obsessively focused on maintaining an almost nationalist ‘school spirit’ and embezzling funds to supply the school’s absurd security systems in fear of the ‘criminal element’.
*'''Dale Winters''': Dale is a close friend of Bob’s. Despite being well into his thirties, he frequently enjoys [[The Invitation|crashing high school parties]] and hanging around the alternative crowd at Lawndale High. Despite being rather obnoxious, Bob and the other’s keep him around in order to get smokes, alcohol and other illicit substances, though are quick to leave him to take the fall when the cops show up. He also claims to be ''Kurt Cobain’s'' long lost brother, despite his birth certificate stating he was born in Illinois.
*'''Lorraine 'Lora' Parker''': Lora is Josh's girlfriend and a computer geek, who hosts several tabletop RPG-centric IRC servers.
*'''[[Alison|Alison Kirkland]]''': Alison is Wade’s sister, although she shares her brother’s general mischievousness, free-spirited rebellion and cynical outlook on the world (and others), she is strongly disliked by her younger brother for her [[Is It Fall Yet?|oft-manipulative and promiscuous nature]] and lack of what he deems "consistent ethics or principles".
*'''[[Backgrounder#White Sweater|Celinda Nguyen]]''': Celinda is a rather popular girl who is part of the school’s planning committee with Jodie and Kelly. As such, she is friendly towards Kelly’s friends and frequently attends their events, such as the opening night at [[Cafe Disaffecto|Café Lawndale]].
*'''[[Backgrounder|Lorraine 'Lora' Parker]]''': Lora is Josh's girlfriend and a computer geek, who hosts several tabletop RPG-centric IRC servers.
*'''Karen Burns''': Burnout's mother and the wife of Arnold, she passed away roughly four years prior to the events of ''Burnout''.
*'''[[Alison|Alison Kirkland]]''': Alison is Wade’s sister, although she shares her brother’s general mischievousness, free-spirited rebellion and cynical outlook on the world (and others), she is strongly disliked by her younger brother for her [[Is It Fall Yet?|oft-manipulative and promiscuous nature]] and lack of what he deems "consistent ethics or principles".