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Although nicknamed “Burnout Girl” by the production staff at [[MTV]], she has nonetheless picked up several other names over the years, some more official than others.
"Jennifer" is a typical name given to her in fanon, based on a seating chart shown for Mr. O'Neill's second period Language Arts class in "[[Cafe Disaffecto]]". Per the MTV flipbook and Hartland sketch, "Christy" is also a common name, and she is sometimes named "Karen Disher", “K.D.” or "Karen" after her creator.
Other names include nicknames such as "Burnout Chick", "B.G.", "Jen", and "Jenny"; or most commonly and simply: "Burnout".
At least three fanfic authors ([[Jim North]], [[NightGoblyn]] and ThePatchedVest) have given her the last name "Burns" in their stories.