Catholic School Girls in Trouble
Catholic School Girls in Trouble is the fifth installment of Roentgen's Legion of Lawndale Heroes series. It was initially titled 1:5 (Chapter 1, Part 5), and was given a title for the first time when the story was placed on
Warning: The following may contain plot or ending details.
The girls plan to leave Lawndale, dressed in the "forties" clothes in Jane's attic. They make it onto a plane that has Wizard co-founder Russell Stark on board...but Daria learns that there is a plan to assassinate Russell Stark while he is on board....
First appearance of Russell Stark. We also learn that Bill Brower is the co-founder of Wizard.
Dramatis Personae[edit]
- Russell Stark, an international man of mystery and co-founder of Wizard Computers.
- Frederico
- Mike
- "the Brit" -- killers and bad people
- "Catholic School Girls in Trouble" at
- "Catholic School Girls in Trouble" at
Preceded by Shady Acres |
LLH Chapters |
Succeeded by Massive Fireball of Doom |