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'''Charles/ "Chuck" Ruttheimer III''' is a student at [[Lawndale High]], in [[Daria Morgendorffer|Daria]]'s class. He is largely known for his buffoon-like attempts to engender female interest - this repulsive manner has gained him the universal nickname of '''Upchuck'''.
In the script for "[[The Invitation]]", he is described as "the least popular person at the party, besides Daria and Jane. This is due to his large ears, bad haircut, and the fact that he is really quite annoying".
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Charles "Upchuck" Ruttheimer the Third was a student at [[Lawndale High]], in Daria's class. His chief characteristic appears to have been attempting to arouse female interest by (badly) affecting a sophisticated persona, seemingly based in part on James Bond, Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, and a distasteful parody of a bad Las Vegas comedian. For example, he often referred to females as "ladies," and always spoke the term in a salacious tone.
Interestingly, he for the most part appears to buy into his delusions of being a "Casanova". Delusions, however, is the proper term to describe his belief, as he appears to be among the least-popular students at [[Lawndale High School|Lawndale High]], at least as far as the females were concerned. His status was confirmed by [[Tiffany]] with the brief phrase, "Upchuck? Ewww...." (See the episode [[Jake of Hearts]].) This extends to females he encounters outside of school, including the cop from [[I Loathe a Parade]] who referred to him disparagingly as "Don Guano".
Perpetually-undeterred, Upchuck would make a sexual comment almost every time he appeared on-screen in the company of females, and would frequently deliver his catch phrase "Grrr... feisty!" in response to any insult or rejection thrown his way by women. In "[[Too Cute]]" however, it is revealed that when push comes to shove, actually chickens out, being MORTIFIED by the sheer concept behind the breast implants Daria got from [[Dr. Shar]].
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There are a couple of indications that Upchuck was smart, at least in some senses. He does well in training the mouse in "[[The Lab Brat]]", undone only by Brittany explaining the experiment instead; he also turned out to be a skilled blackmailer. In "[[Prize Fighters]]", he swiftly created his own dotcom business with ''trans-pacific imports'' simply to impress the Wizard Foundation (poking fun at how easy it is to set up a "successful" dotcom). Upchuck even competed with both Jodie and Daria in that episode, two of the smartest kids in the school, and went for tactical schmoozing in order to win over the interviewer - unfortunately for him, he sucks at schmoozing.
''[[The Daria Diaries]]'' reveals that he maintains his own website ([[Ultrasuave Universe]], at with an archive of pick-up lines, jokes, pictures of himself, snippets of songs, and a "Gallery of Feisty Babes" (which includes Eleanor Roosevelt, noting she wasn't hot "but just you try denying she was feisty - you cannot!"). He's working on a Shemp Howard Search Engine. The links and Feisty Woman section show he's a fan of the Aeon Flux cartoon; of comedians Jerry Lewis, the Three Stooges, and Monty Python; and superhero comic books, specifically Captain Muscle. In 2000, MTV's website revealed Upchuck now owned [ now ran] [[The Hubba Hubba Hub]], after Ultrasuave was "destroyed by a virus slyly concealed within the now infamous SEXXXY SCULLY SNAPS attachment". The new site had different sections for different genders.
[[Image:Upchuck.gif|right|frame|Upchuck and Daria ("[[The Invitation]]")]]
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==Upchuck in Fanfiction==
* For a long time, Upchuck was portrayed as slime in ''Daria'' fanfics, exaggerating his canon persona. (See the first [[The Look-Alike Series]] story, where Upchuck being physically assaulted is cheered by other characters and meant to be cheered by the reader) InAnd laterin years, howevermany, he's beenstill givenis! aUpchuck moreas positivecomedically protrayal,perverted oftenfoil focusingis morestill onthe onmost hiscommon native intelligence and wide range of interestsportrayal. TwoHowever, ofsince the earliestshow fics to do this are "[[Blast from the Past]]" by [[Nemo Blank]]ended, where Chuck becomes an ally trying to assist Daria; and "[[A Midsummer Nightmare's Daria]]" by [[The Angst Guy]] (2002), where he's abeen romanticincreasingly andgiven caringdifferent boyfriend. If he isn't portrayed as positive, he is still more likely to be a harmless comic foilportrayals.
* Some stories give him a positive portrayal, often focusing more on on his native intelligence and wide range of interests. Two of the earliest fics to do this are "[[Blast from the Past]]" by [[Nemo Blank]], where Chuck becomes an ally trying to assist Daria; and "[[A Midsummer Nightmare's Daria]]" by [[The Angst Guy]] (2002), where he's a romantic and caring boyfriend.
* Some stories have Chuck putting on an act, either to fake confidence he doesn't have, or (as in "[ Children of the Scorn]" by [[Kristen Bealer]]) because he wants people to make fun of a fake him rather than the real him, or simply out of youthful idiocy he grows out of ([[TAG]]'s "[[Darkness]]" has Daria depressed to learn he'd joined the army after 9/11 and died in battle). Bealer also presented a [[pre-canon]] seventh grader Chuck Ruttheimer, still a shy unpopular boy, in "[ It's Like the Beginning of an Era]". Zetor's "[ Enough]" has the 'act' started as mockery of his playboy father and he hates being stuck with it, and drinks when depressed.
* Also, someSome fan works have presented the theme of Charles having a crush on [[Daria Morgendorffer|Daria]]. This is, based on Upchuck's web page in ''[[The Daria Diaries]]'', whereand hisits "Gallery of Feisty Babes" includesincluding a silhouetted "Mystery Lady" whose profile is obviously Daria. ("I fear she'd kill me if I revealed her identity.") This has been played both innocently and romantically (e.g. [[Identity Crisis]] by [[Yui Daoren]]) and with darker tones ([[Falling Into College]] serial, by [[Richard Lobinske]])
** The other two common love interests for him are Stacy (due to their interaction in [[Life in the Past Lane]]) and [[Andrea]].
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* In the [[Legion of Lawndale Heroes]] universe, Charles Ruttheimer (who is only rarely referred to as 'Upchuck' anymore) has developed into one of the more well-rounded versions of the character in the [[Daria Multiverse]]. He is considered one of the more intelligent Legionnaires, and the physical and academic training that he has received as a Legionnaire (as well as the positive influence of [[Kyle Armalin]]) has helped him evolve beyond his high-school personality. This Charles still enjoys all of the things he was involved in before his Legion life (his infatuation with all things Three Stooges and James Bond, his fast-food merchandise collectibles, and his interest in online role-playing games), but also has allowed himself to expand his horizons. As he has become more well-rounded, he has also finally had his 'growth spurt,' and now stands at six feet in height. He has an unusual quality that (to the dismay and utter disbelief of the female Legionnaires) makes him quite interesting to many young women, including [[Langston Chambers]] (who he is currently dating), [[Tainn Reynolds]], [[Chandni Kaur]], and [[Elsie Sloane]].
* Charles appeared twice in an artwork by [[Wouter]] in the first one Jane confronts him if he actually is aware of how he comes across towards girls and if he has any grasp of what actually BEING a woman is like. Charles responds by asking Jane the opposite question, did she any harbor any desires to be a man, Jane's reply leaves him in tears, knowing that Jane would have made a far more masculine man than he could ever be. Charles' second appearance is in the Halloween 2010 comic where he's seen puking after drinking the punch at Brittany's party (which Kevin had put olives in after the grapes had run out) Andrea is there to comfort him while Daria remarks that he finally "lives up to his nickname."
Charles' second appearance is in the Halloween 2010 comic where he's seen puking after drinking the punch at Brittany's party (which Kevin had put olives in after the grapes had run out) Andrea is there to comfort him while Daria remarks that he finally "lives up to his nickname."