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When ''Beavis and Butt-head'' was in the latter half of its run on MTV, [[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-garrett-andrews/daria-the-untold-tale-par_b_5449805.htmlMcGrath - who wanted to bring more girls to the network - ordered [[MTV Animation]] to pitch cartoons for a female audience]. Four original pilots would be created by outside creators. MTV also asked [[Glenn Eichler]], who worked on ''Beavis and Butt-head'', to create a spinoff series based around Daria. In an interview with [http://www.avclub.com/articles/mike-judge,13875/ The Onion AV Club], ''Beavis and Butt-head'' creator [[Mike Judge]] said that MTV had mentioned the idea to him and he was surprised to find out they were doing it without his involvement, using some people he wasn't keen on (though he viewed Eichler as a good choice); he believes "I think they were trying to show that they could do something without me".
Production began in 1995. The initial designs - and the art style -were wasdifferent ''extremely''from differentthose toof the finished show, far more similar to ''Beavis and Butt-head'' in look and tone: the characters had a 'muddier', more comically grotesque look to them. It was then decided to further seperate ''Daria'' from its parent show and to give it a clearer, simpler visual look, in order to appeal to potential female viewers that might have been turned off by the muddy, cluttered-line look of ''Beavis and Butt-head''. [[Karen Disher]], Edward Artinian, and Willy Hartland were placed in charge of character design for the new show and refining the look. [[Susie Lewis]] added input to the character design, usually regarding character clothing and fashion. [[Sam Johnson]] and [[Chris Marcil]], working on the pilot, [https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2016/10/youre-standing-on-my-neck-the-life-and-death-of-th.html viewed it like working on ''Frasier'']: the smart character leaving the "goofy world" and that her spinoff needed to be more true to her character than the parent show. During production, a planned brother for Daria become [[Quinn]].
A short animated pilot, "[[Sealed with a Kick]]", was created by with Karen Disher as production designer and Sam Johnson and Chris Marcil as writers. The pilot was never aired and was never intended to be a completed cartoon. The animated characters are not colored, with different voices for main characters (like Kevin). Disher's designs of the main characters would further change between the time of "Sealed with a Kick" and the airing of the first new episode, and some parts of the characters were altered: Daria became less proactive in the series, for example.
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