Daria Multiverse: Difference between revisions

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'''Daria-500''': The universe of [[Scissors MacGillicutty]]|Scissors MacGillicutty's]] "[[Where's Mary Sue When You Need Her?]]," where Scissors himself originates. The weapon Scissors carries with him as he moves between dimensions is a Smith & Wesson .500 Magnum.
'''Daria-501''': The ''Daria'' universe with which Scissors interacts. This universe in notable in that it (a) is the first universe where the character of [[Jim Vitale]] was noted to exist, and (b) purports to contain all possible [http://www.dariawiki.org/wiki/index.php?title=Where%27s_Mary_Sue_When_You_Need_Her%3F#The_Solution:_Fictional_Characters_as_Unactualized_Possibilities_in_a_Single_Real_World all other possible Daria Universes].
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'''Daria-545''': The [[Visitations]] universe, created by [[Brother Grimace]], in which a supernatural entity known as [[The Man]] has actively involved himself in the lives of several residents of Lawndale. It was 5:45 in the afternoon that Daria became aware of The Man in her bedroom in "[[The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow]]," the first fic about that reality.
'''Daria-550''': The universe of [[Ben Breeck]]|Ben Breeck's]] [[The New Teacher Series]]. In Episode #107, "[[Open Season]]," Daria helps the Lawndale Academic Team triumph as they score 550 points.
'''Daria-557''': The universe in which [[Angelboy]]|Angelboy's]] "[[Fandemonium]]" takes place. Angelboy made the posting that began the fic at 5:57 p.m. on Friday, October 6, 2006.
'''Daria-595''': [[Charles RB]]|Charles RB's]] "[http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=29730 Judith Strikes: The Light of a Burning Darkness]; the universe has been locked off by the Ringbearers and is the sight of an apocalyptic battle against the monstrous Lloigor. 595 is the ''2000 AD'' issue that had a cover that inspired the story.
'''Daria-621''': [[Shiva|Shiva's]] [[Invertedverse]] in which the personalities and traits of the people in the regular Dariaverse are completely inverted, Daria is the most popular girl in school, Quinn is misanthropic, Kevin's a nerd, etc. The number 621 was selected based on the date when the AU was opened up, June 21.
'''Daria-636''': A universe briefly mentioned in [[Doggieboy|Doggieboy's]] "[[A Very Bad Move]]", where [[Ringwraith Two]] escapes to after nearly being killed by a superhero on Daria-4904.
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'''Daria-674''': The home universe of the [[Lost Ringbearers]]. During the creation of the First Rings by the [[Ringmasters]], the [[Dominator Ring]] was created and from there, the [[Vengeance Ring|Vengeance Rings]]. In the [[Tales of the Ringbearers]] fic '[[The Fourth Ringwraith]]', it was revealed that this Earth is now 'time-locked', with no one able to travel to that world.
'''Daria-706''': The universe of [[C.E. Forman|C. E. Forman]]'s]] [[The Lost Seasons]] [[series]]. The designation comes from Forman's apartment number at the time he created [[Lotto Nonsense]], the first episode of this fanfiction series.
'''Daria-711''': The universe of [[Richard Lobinske|Richard Lobinske's]] [[Mother's Love]] [[series]]. In the second story, "[[Alien Home]]," Daria arrives at [[Nest]] sometime on July 11th, or 7/11.
'''Daria-716''': The Earth from which the zombie invasion of D-77 was launched. [[Archangel]] and [[Richard]] become the first contact between the
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'''Daria-727''': The universe of [[Brother Grimace|Brother Grimace's]] [[Bump, The System Lord]] ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargate_SG-1 Stargate SG-1]'' crossover story and ficlets that feature [[Bump]] as a Gou'ald. ''Stargate SG-1'' first aired on July 27, 1997.
'''Daria-731''': The universe of [[JoeMerl]]|JoeMerl's]] [[Apathymorphs series]], an ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animorphs Animorphs]'' crossover.
'''Daria-748''': The first universe encountered by [[Priscilla Henry]] after she and [[Archangel]] are separated during the events of the fic [[Spirit Stick]]. Priscilla encounters a number of differing types of free-roaming spirits (known as 'ephermerals' by the [[Ringbearers]]), and a previously-unknown entity.
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'''Daria-823''': The '''first''' universe to be made aware of the [[Daylight]] crisis, through [[Archangel]]'s 'prescient dreaming' ability. The story '[[Before the Coming Dawn]] was first saved to disk at 8:23 a.m.
'''Daria-888''': The universe containing the fluctuating timeline of [[Jim North]]|Jim North's]] [[Esteeminator: The Daria Morgendorffer Chronicles|Esteeminator]], in which Daria fights to save the human race from [http://terminator.wikia.com/wiki/Terminator_Wiki Skynet]. The main bulk of the machine army in the future is made up of T-888s.
'''Daria-899''': The home universe of "Wraithkiller" Daria from "[[Let Vengeance Ring]]". Daria took her ring from a ringwraith in August, 1999, a couple weeks before she planned to leave for college.
'''Daria-914''': The universe of [[CINCGREEN]]|CINCGREEN's]] "[[Data Dump]]." The first installment was posted at 9:14 a.m. on September 12, 2008.
'''Daria-918''': The universe of [[Canadibrit]]|Canadibrit's]] [[The Look-Alike Series]]. The numerical designation comes from the conceit that Daria has a look-alike half-sister. ''The Patty Duke Show'' first aired on 9/18/1963, and the premise of that TV program was that Patty Lane has a look-alike cousin, Cathy Lane.
'''Daria-928''': The [[Dream World]] universe of [[Meowlody Powers]] that that Daria's cat [[Bump]] taps into in the story by the same name. First posted to PPMB on September 28.
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'''Daria-1010''' The universe of [[Doggieboy|Doggieboy's]] [[The Cards You Are Dealt]] and [[The House of Cards]]. In this universe, [[Scarlett (character)|Scarlett Hawkins]] is a crime victim/survivor and involved with a man who has become [[The Lawndale Werewolf|a werewolf]] as a result of the same crime. The original story was first posted on the [[PPMB]] on October 10, 2010.
'''Daria-1026''': The universe of [[Ruthless Bunny]]|Ruthless Bunny's]] [[Bed and Breakfast Man]] [[series]]. The universe is titled after a song by the British band Madness, and the song belongs to the album, ''One Step Beyond,'' which was released on 10/26/1979.
'''Daria-1031''': The universe of [[Erin Mills|Erin Mills']]'s "[[Daria Vs. The Lawndale Zombies]]." Daria and Jane encounter an army of zombies in [[Lawndale]] on Halloween night, which, of course, falls on 10/31.
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'''Daria-1111''': The [[Legion of Lawndale Heroes]] universe affected by the events of the [[Daylight]] shared-worlds setting. This universe became an alternate universe separate from mainstream LLH events as a results of the events chronicled in the upcoming fic "[[Sapphire Dawn]]." The first Daylight fic to feature the Legionnaires was "[[Erebus]]," which was posted at 11:11 a.m. on October 12, 2008.
'''Daria-1113''' The universe of [[NeonHomer]]|NeonHomer's]] [[Double Down]]. Daria discovers she has a identical twin sister, [[Matilda Seiler]], or should we say her sister discovers Daria. The AU # comes from the date the fic was first posted.
'''Daria-1114''' The universe of [[NeonHomer]]|NeonHomer's]] [[Return to Highland]]. Daria, Jane, [[Matilda Seiler]], [[Tristan Mathiesen]], and Quinn all return to Highland, TX for story Daria is doing. The position in time is current day. The AU # is the next in succession behind the parent AU, D-1113. However, events in D-1114 ''ARE NOT'' the future of D-1113.
'''Daria-1118''': The [[crossover]] universe with ''Calvin and Hobbes'' shown in ''[[The Lady and the Tiger]]''. ''Calvin and Hobbes'' first ran in a daily paper on November 18, 1985.
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'''Daria-1337''': The universe of [[Quinn's Code]]. 1337 refers to Leet Speak, a Geek term. It thus references the fact that Quinn is a geek in this universe.
'''Daria-1417''': The universe of [[TheSecretSharer]]|TheSecretSharer's]] "[[The Handmaidens of Narcissus]]," which takes place in a modern setting, but all within speak in the manner of literary works from the European Renaissance of the 14th-17th centuries (e.g., Shakespeare).
'''Daria-1451''': The universe of [[Richard Lobinske|Richard Lobinske's]] [[John Lane]] series. The first episode of that series, "John," starts on Columbus Day, and Christopher Columbus was born in 1451.
'''Daria-1506''': A parallel of D-1451 that was struck by an unusual zombie infestation investigated by Ringbearer [[Nathan W. Morgendorffer]] and Agency operative Sharon Reeves in the story, "[[Temporary Duty]]" D-1451 was numbered off of the year of Christopher Columbus's birth, 1506 was the year of his death.
'''Daria-1701''': The universe of origin of Daria and company in [[Ranger Thorne]]|Ranger Thorne's]] [[Long Trek Home]] stories. Starship Enterprise, a ship in the ''Star Trek'' universe, has the registry number of NCC-1701.
'''Daria-1752''': The origin universe of [[Richard Rawlings]], which he left to carry out his mission in the works of [[The Sidhe]]. The land that would become Mount Folly, Virginia (the ancestral home of the Rawlings family in America), was purchased by the family in 1752.
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'''Daria-1862''': The universe of [[Doggieboy|Doggieboy's]] surreal [[crossover]] tale, "[[The Cynic, The Fashionista and The Jackass]]." The story takes place in 1862. In this universe, both [[Lawndale]] and [[Highland]] are in Texas.
'''Daria-1892''': The universe of [[Shadows of a Timeless Song]] by [[Dennis]]. Professor J.R.R. Tolkien was born in 1892 and his work is the first to appear in the Dariaverse of this multiple [[crossover]] story.
'''Daria-1932''': The universe of the story [http://www.thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=30180 Import/Export] by [[Brian Taylor (author)|Brian Taylor]] and the opening scenes of the [[Judith Strikes]] story [http://www.thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=29972 Closing Ceremony] by [[Erin Mills]]. The designation has two meanings: "Import/Export" is set in 1932, while the kidnapping of six month old Daria Elizabeth Morgendorffer in "Closing Ceremony" was inspired by the Lindbergh Kidnapping, which took place in 1932.
'''Daria-1941''': The WWII [[retrofic]] universe of [[Infamy]] and [[Lady Lex]] by [[Richard Lobinske]]. The United States entered the war in 1941.
'''Daria-1946''': The universe seen in the ''[[Beavis and Butt-head (TV series)|Beavis and Butt-head]]'' episode "[[It's a Miserable Life]]", in which Butt-head was never born and Daria is socially well-adjusted. The episode parodies ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It's_a_Wonderful_Life It's a Wonderful Life]'', which was released in 1946.
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'''Daria-1959''': The universe parodying ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Twilight_Zone The Twilight Zone]'' in the ''Beavis and Butt-head'' book ''The Butt Files''. In it, the Highland residents are parallel opposites of their normal selves, including Daria, who acts similarly to normal-verse Beavis & Butt-head. The original incarnation of ''The Twilight Zone'' premiered in 1959.
'''Daria-1963''': The universe of [[LSauchelli]]|LSauchelli's]] [[Avenging]] series. It's a [[reinvention]] of the [[Marvel Universe]] Avengers using characters from ''Daria'' and various other fandoms, making it a multi-[[crossover]]. The first issue of ''The Avengers'' was released in September 1963.
'''Daria-1969''': The universe in which the events of '[[Gimme Skelter]]' take place. [[Jake Morgendorffer]] gives the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spear_of_destiny Spear of Destiny] to [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Mansen Charles Manson] in August 1969, allowing him to enact his [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helter_Skelter_(Manson_scenario) 'Helter Skelter'] plan for world domination.
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'''Daria-1970''': The universe of [[The Excellent S]]|The Excellent S's]] [[Legends of the Metal]]. It's a reinterpretation of the video game [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brutal_Legend Brütal Legend] using characters from ''Daria'' in place of the majority of existing characters. The classic metal album ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paranoid_(album) Paranoid]'' by [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sabbath Black Sabbath] was released in September 1970.
'''Daria-1970-DD''': A splinter universe from [[Legends of the Metal]] created by [[Ixmythot]], this shows a world where the faction known as the Drowning Doom, led by a doppelganger of Daria (known as Drowned Daria, officially), have risen up to claim victory over Ironheade, thus forcing them into their army and marching upon the forces of the Tainted Coil. The "DD" designation is rather simple, simply referring to the Drowning Doom, or potentially, Drowned Daria.
'''Daria-1971''': The home universe of Daria, Jane and Trent of the story, [[Holiday Kombat]]. While trying to return home from [[Holiday Island]], they find themselves in a [[Crossover]] with ''Mortal Kombat'' and one of them must face their greatest fear to save the Earth. The Doors album ''LA Woman'' was released in 1971.
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'''Daria-1975''': The "Mack Dynamite" universe as seen in the [[Judith Strikes]] story [http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=29734 Mack Dynamite vs. the Crimson Phantom]. In this universe, [[Mack]] is a 70s blaxploitation movie hero who works as a ultracool, kung-fu fightin', homicide detective with the Lawndale Police Department. According to the "Editor's Note" at the beginning of the story, there are ten films in the "Mack Dynamite" series, with ''Mack Dynamite vs. the Crimson Phantom'' being released in 1975.
'''Daria-1977''': The Glittering Lawndale universe the was created in the Iron Chef: Glittering Lawndale thread by [[TheSecretSharer]] on the PBMB. This universes numerical and name designations come from the Norman Lear television show that featured a world with reversed gender roles, ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_That_Glitters All That Glitters]'', which debuted in 1977.
'''Daria-1979''': The universe of [[Judith Strikes]] story [http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=29551 The Long Good Sandi], where the Fashion Club (and other characters) are involved in organised crime. 1979 was the year British gangster film [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Long_Good_Friday The Long Good Friday] was completed.
'''Daria-1982''': The universe of [[Ranchoth]]|Ranchoth's]] "[[Its a Living]]" series, which crosses over with the ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.I._Joe:_A_Real_American_Hero A Real American Hero]'' continuity of the ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.I._Joe G.I. Joe]'' franchise, which was introduced in 1982.
'''Daria-1983''': The universe of [[Erin Mills|Erin Mills']]' [[crossover]] story, "[[Killjoy Was Here]]." The story is based on the Styx album [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilroy_Was_Here_album ''Kilroy Was Here,''] which was released in 1983.
'''Daria-1984''': The universe in which [[Brother Grimace]]|Brother Grimace's]] "[[Victory Lane]]" takes place. In the fic, [[Jodie Landon]] references George Orwell's literary classic, ''[[1984]],'' in discussing Daria's transformation upon her return to [[Lawndale High]].
'''Daria-1985''': The universe of [[The Excellent S]]|The Excellent S's]] [[Lawndale Fighting Championship]], which places the Daria characters in a professional wrestling promotion. In 1985, [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wrestling_Entertainment World Wrestling Entertainment] (as the World Wrestling Federation) promoted the first [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WrestleMania WrestleMania]. This became the company's flagship annual event, and is generally seen as the premier showcase of professional wrestling in the United States and the world.
'''Daria-1987''': The universe of [[Erin Mills|Erin Mills']]' "In the Doldrums". The Morgendorffers move to Lawndale ten years earlier and 6-year-old Daria and Jane meet at Lawndale Elementary. Assuming Daria was 16 in 1997 when the canon series premiered, this would mean that the Morgendorffers in this universe moved to Lawndale in 1987.
'''Daria-1993''': The universe of [[cyde]]|cyde's]] [[Power Rangers: Lawndale Force]] series. ''Mighty Morphin Power Rangers'', the show on which the [[series]] is based, began in 1993.
'''Daria-1994''': The universe of "[[Power Rangers: Alphawave Access]]," created by [[Brother Grimace]]. Brother Grimace was thirty in 1994, which was the age of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Oliver Tommy Oliver] when he served as the Black Dino Power Ranger. Tommy Oliver is the most famous person to ever serve as a Power Ranger.
'''Daria 1999''': The universe of [[CDM]]|CDM's]] "[[Daria: Demon Princess Quinn]]." 1999 was the year author CDM created the character of the Demon Princess.
'''Daria-2000''': the universe for the Educator DeMartino stories in [[Judith Strikes]] and [[Worldburner]]. 2000 AD is the comic starring Judge Dredd, which Educator DeMartino is a homage to (specifically the early 70s strips). Destroyed by Judith in [[Worldburner]].
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'''Daria 2001''': A universe encountered in the story "[[Three]]," that includes [[Veronica Morgendorffer]] and in which Daria is deaf. Events happen in the year 2001, their time.
'''Daria-2007''': The universe in which [[HolyGrail2007]]|HolyGrail2007's]] [[Finn Morgendorffer]] alternate-reality series takes place. The designation comes from the creator's own chosen designation.
'''Daria-2012''': The universe of [[Robert Nowall]]|Robert Nowall's]] [[Daria: 2010]] continuum. Oddly enough, the [[series]] name is not the obvious one, as the first scene starts in the 2012 Spring Semester.
'''Daria-2032''': The universe of [[Brian Taylor (author)|Brian Taylor]]'s]] [http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=29678 Politricks are Not for Kids]. Events occur in the year 2032, during the last year of Tom Sloane's first term as President of the United States.
'''Daria-2112''': The [[punkverse]], which contains [[Charles RB]]|Charles RB's]] [[God Save The Esteem]] and [[Brian Taylor (author)|Brian Taylor]]'s [[Moving Pictures]]. Moving Pictures was named for one of Rush's best-known albums, so the universe is named for one of the band's best-known songs; this ironically means the Punkverse has been named for an album antithetical to all that punk stood for.
'''Daria-2172''': The universe of [[Jim North]]|Jim North's]] [[Daria: Hunter]] series, in which Daria and Jane are bounty hunters. The main storyline of the series takes place in the latter half of the year 2172.
'''Daria-2707''': The universe of "[[Eternity]]", and "[[Reaper in the Wind]]" by [[Richard Lobinske]]. News reports of the Mantua couple find were from February 7, 2007. This universe is linked with Universe NCIS-1209.
'''Daria-3397''' The universe of [[NeonHomer]]|NeonHomer's]] [[All Points]]. A Star Trek: The Next Generation and D-1113 hybrid universe. (Mostly stealing the characters and putting them in the 24th century. The AU # comes from the registry number of the ''USS Lawndale'' NCC-3397, which is also the air date of the first episode (according to ''Look Back in Annoyance'').
'''Daria-3978''': A universe briefly mentioned in [[Doggieboy|Doggieboy's]] [[Babysitting Duty]]. The dominant species of Earth in this universe are intelligent apes.
'''Daria-4032''': The universe of [[cyde]]|cyde's]] story, "[[The Red Carpet Treatment]]." The number came about because cyde got bored and used a toothpick to count the total number of alphanumeric characters in the story.
'''Daria-4339''': A universe mentioned in [[Doggieboy|Doggieboy's]] [[A Salvage Attempt]]. The dominant species of life on this Earth are intelligent dogs. Though hints through their mythology seem to suggest that a previous civilization, possibly human, once existed. Home world of the [[Ringbearer]] [[Napoleon]].
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'''Daria-4904''': The universe in which [[Doggieboy|Doggieboy's]] "[[A Very Bad Move]]" takes place. On the Earth in this universe, ''Daria'' is a cartoon on MTV.
'''Daria-5420''': The universe of [[Michelle Klein-Hass]]|Michelle Klein-Hass's]] [[Lawndale, CT Continuum]]. The designation comes from a number on the animation model for Klein-Hass used in the ''Daria'' episode, "[[Camp Fear]]."
'''Daria-6598''': The universe of [[Invisigoth Gypsy]]|Invisigoth Gypsy's]] [[IVG Continuum]]. The first story in the continuum is dated "6-5-98."
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'''Daria-9194-C''': The universe of the [[Beavis and Butt-head (comics)|''Beavis and Butt-head'' comic book]]. This is also an official [[Marvel Universe]], featuring the publisher's superhero characters and comic creators. Any such Marvel designation is unknown.
'''Daria-9194-J''': The universe of [[TAG]]|TAG's]] "[[Jörmungandr]]" (see '''Daria-9194''', above).
'''Daria-9204''': The universe of [[TAG]]|TAG's]] "[[It Slipped Through My Hands, Like a Shadow, Like a Dream]]." Daria is born mentally retarded (her IQ now two standard deviations below normal, instead of two above), and is cared for by her aunt [[Amy Barksdale]]. Significant changes occur in the timelines of the [[Beavis and Butt-head]] universe as well as Daria's own as a result. The title of the story comes from a line in a translation of ''The Odyssey'' by Homer (book XI, line 204), when Odysseus attempts to grasp the spirit of his dead mother.
'''Daria-10407''': The universe of the Comedy Central animated series ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drawn_Together Drawn Together]'', in which Daria appears in the episode "Lost in Parking Space, Part 2", which was originally broadcast on October 4, 2007.
'''Daria-11304''': The universe of [[Guy "Decelaraptor" Payne]]|Guy "Decelaraptor" Payne's]] alternate version of "Daria-32004", [[Tallil]]. The story takes place the day after the 2004 elections, November 3.
'''Daria-13011''': The universe of "The 90's Revisited" sketch from Adult Swim cartoon ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot_Chicken Robot Chicken]'', in which Daria was a transgendered man named Darryl. The episode in which the sketch appeared first aired on January 30, 2011.
'''Daria-23241''': The universe of [[Steven Galloway]]|Steven Galloway's]] [[DF Continuum]], which includes such stories as "[[Visitations]]." The designation comes from the tail end of Galloway's e-mail address at the time he submitted those stories to [[Outpost Daria]].
'''Daria-32004''': The universe of [[Guy "Decelaraptor" Payne]]|Guy "Decelaraptor" Payne's]] [[Kadhimiya]]. Pvt. Quinn Morgendorffer was killed in action in Iraq on March 20, 2004.
'''Daria-41183''': The universe of [[Dennis|Dennis']]'s [[GTS]] continuum. The title of the first GTS story, "[[Imperfect Circle]]," references the song "Perfect Circle," by R.E.M., which was released as part of the ''Murmur'' album on 4/11/83.
'''Daria-46556''': The universe of [[A New Set of Rules]] by [[Dennis]]. 46556 is the zip code for Undergraduate Admissions at the University of Notre Dame, where most of the story takes place.
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'''Daria-91404''': The universe of "[[Shield Maiden]]," by [[Richard Lobinske]]. The first part written was in response to the 9/14/04 challenge at PPMB.
'''Daria-101420''': The universe in which the events in [[Kara Wild]]|Kara Wild's]] ''[[Abruptly Amy]]'' happened. The author was inspired by an article which ran in ''TV Guide'' the week of October 14-20, 2000.
'''Daria-101420-Prime''': The universe of the "Outpost Amy" supersite, in which ''Abruptly Amy'' is a spin-off from the popular television series ''Daria''.
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'''Daria-2561967''': One of the "hippyworld" universes, setting of the third [[Amelia Pine]] [[Worldburner]] fanfic; a leyline under Woodstock activated partway through the festival, causing the whole of Earth to become hippies and "good vibes" to be part of the atmosphere. 25/6/1967 is when the Beatles released "All You Need Is Love".
'''Daria-3,459,112.56''': The universe of [[DJW]] and [[Richard Lobinske]]|Richard Lobinske's]] [[crossover]] stories, "[[Band of Bothers]]" and "[[With a Little Help From Your Fiends]]." There, $3,459,112.56 was the total collateral damage caused by [[Clovis Lee-Daniels]] and [[Wasabi]] during their stay.
'''Daria-62,742,241''': The universe of [[The Angst Guy]]|The Angst Guy's]] story, "[[Quinnts]]." Thanks to shoddy fertility drugs, Helen gave birth to Quinn as identical quintuplets. The universe's designation comes from Hellin's Law, which states that roughly 1 in 89 births will produce twins and 1 in 89 x 89 will produce triplets. To its logical extension, quintuplets odds are 1 in 89 x 89 x 89 x 89, or 1 in 62,742,241 births.
'''Daria-1010110101''': The home universe of Ringbearer [[Amelia Pine]]. The number is random and signifies nothing of value, which is how Amelia thinks of herself.