Daria Multiverse: Difference between revisions

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Dennis (talk | contribs)
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'''Daria-247''': The universe of [[Roentgen]]'s [[Legion of Lawndale Heroes]] [[series]]. The first appearance of the Legion of Super-Heroes was in DC ComicThe universe of [[Ostragoth]]'s [[serial]] fic "[[Estrangesters]]s' ''Adventure Comics #247''.
'''Daria-287''': The Daria/Eureka crossover universe of "[[Bathing with Archimedes]]" by [[Richard Lobinske]]. The town square of Eureka has a sculpture of Archimedes in his bathtube and he was born in 287 BCE.
'''Daria-289''': The universe of [[Ostragoth]]'s [[serial]] fic "[[Estrangesters]]." Daria has developed metahuman mental powers as a result of exposure to uranium from her days in [[Highland]], including superhuman intellect. She tells Jane that the last recorded measurement of her IQ was 289.