Daria Multiverse: Difference between revisions

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'''Daria-1862''': the universe of [[Doggieboy]]'s surreal tale [[The Cynic, The Fashionista and The Jackass]]. The story takes place in 1862 and in this universe, both [[Lawndale]] and [[Highland]] are in Texas.
'''Daria-1963''': the universe of [[LSauchelli]]'s [[Avenging]] series. It's a reinvention of the Avengers using characters from Daria and others from various fandoms, making it a multi-crossover. The first issue of The Avengers was released in Sept. 1963.
'''Daria-1983''': The universe of [[Erin Mills]]' crossover story [[Killjoy Was Here]]. The story is based off the Styx album [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilroy_Was_Here_album Kilroy Was Here]which was released in 1983.
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