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[[Image:Prettyirkeddaria.gif|frame|left|Canon Daria]]
[[Image:Prettydaria.gif|frame|right|Off-Canon Daria (actually canon Daria from ''[[Quinn the Brain]]'')]]
A '''Dariaverse crossover''' is exactly what it sounds like: a fanfic in which ''Daria'' is [[crossover|crossed over]] with ''Daria''. Characters from one [[Dariaverse]] (usually very close to canon) somehow make their way into another Dariaverse (almost always an [[alternate universe|alternate]] version of the canon setup), and chaos typically results. The earliest known Dariaverse crossover was "[[The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow]]" by [[Brother Grimace]] (June 2000), with a scene of Daria visiting a parallel universe; the second oldest, "[[Through a Closet, Darkly]]," by [[Brian Taylor (author)|Brian Taylor]], from (November 2000), was entirely devoted to the crossover between 'canon' and a darker alternate. A later but memorable story was "[[You Only Hurt the Ones You Love]]," by [[Crusading Saint]].
The idea has grown to include characters from one author's Dariaverse going into one or more other authors' Dariaverses. The 2005 story "[[Illusions]]," by [[CharlieGirl]], [[Angelinhel]], and [[The Angst Guy]], presented the idea that an ancient alien race called the [[Architects]] had invented a large number of inter-universal gateways using their godlike technology, and one such gateway found its way into the back of the [[Good Time Chinese restaurant]] in [[Lawndale]], where characters used it to explore other realities. This idea was seized upon in later stories: "[[Three]]," and [[Worldburner]] fic "When It Rains" by [[Richard Lobinske]]; "[[Second Chances]]" and "[[End of the Line]]," by [[Lycissa]]; and "[[Guys' Night Out]]," by [[TAG]].
An interesting combination of a Dariaverse crossover and an [[alternate history]] world is [[The Sidhe]]'s "[[A Yankee Marine in General Lee's Army]]." Another interesting variation, in which all possible [[Dariaverse]]s are found to be linked together through one nexus, is "[[In Dreams]]," by [[Scissors MacGillicutty]].
The [[Tales of the Ringbearers]] series makes extensive use of Dariaverse crossovers, many of them original though a few are borrowed or modified versions of previously existing Dariaverses. The [[Judith Strikes]]/[[Worldburner]]/[[Worldhopper]] series are one large Dariaverse crossover, on an epic scale.
Compare to [[Reality Crossover|reality crossover]].