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Delayed Reaction Reviews

From DariaWiki

Written by Mike Quinn. A collection of detailed reviews of each Daria episode and both movies, as well as comprehensive reviews of some entire seasons. Each review broke down the episode and also gave an overall grade for each episode at the end of the review.


Mike started writing the reviews during the second half of season 2. The original reviews were known as "Initial Reaction Reviews" because they were written immediately after the episode had aired. The first set of reviews were met with mixed responses. Many people enjoyed reading the reviews, but some people apparently did not.

Due to popular demand, retroactive reviews for season 1 and the first half of season 2 were written. At this point, the name "Delayed Reaction" was born. Reviews continued for the duration of the series, most appearing within a few days of each episode's original air date.


In each review, a final grade was assigned by Mike Quinn. Below are the grades for each episode.

Season 1[edit]

Esteemsters (#101) B+
The Invitation (#102) A-
College Bored (#103) B-
Cafe Disaffecto (#104) A-
Malled (#105) A-
This Year's Model (#106) C+
The Lab Brat (#107) A
Pinch Sitter (#108) A
Too Cute (#109) C+
The Big House (#110) A
Road Worrier (#111) A-
The Teachings of Don Jake (#112) A
The Misery Chick (#113) B+

Season 2[edit]

Arts 'N Crass (#201) A-
The Daria Hunter (#202) D+
Quinn the Brain (#203) B
I Don't (#204) B
That Was Then, This Is Dumb (#205) B-
Monster (#206) B+
The New Kid (#207) C
Gifted (#208) B+
Ill (#209) A
Fair Enough (#210) B-
See Jane Run (#211) A
Pierce Me (#212) B+
Write Where It Hurts (#213) A-

Season 3[edit]

Through A Lense Darkly (#301) A-
The Old And The Beautiful (#302) B+
Depth Takes A Holiday (#303) F
Daria Dance Party (#304) A-
The Lost Girls (#305) B-
It Happened One Nut (#306) B
Daria! (#307) B
Lane Miserables (#308) A
Jake Of Hearts (#309) B
Speedtrapped (#310) A
The Lawndale File (#311) B+
Just Add Water (#312) C+
Jane's Addition (#313) B+

Season 4[edit]

Partner's Complaint (#401) A-
Antisocial Climbers (#402) B
A Tree Grows In Lawndale (#403) B-
Murder She Snored (#404) A-
The F Word (#405) B-
I Loathe A Parade (#406) A
Of Human Bonding (#407) B+
Psycho Therapy (#408) A
Mart Of Darkness (#409) B-
Legends Of The Mall (#410) B+
Groped By An Angel (#411) B
Fire! (#412) A-
Dye! Dye! My Darling! (#413) A-
Is It Fall Yet? (movie) A-

Season 5[edit]

Fizz Ed (#501) B-
Sappy Anniversary (#502) B+
Fat Like Me (#503) A-
Camp Fear (#504) C+
The Story of D (#505) A-
Lucky Strike (#506) A
Art Burn (#507) B+
One J at a Time (#508) B+
Life in the Past Lane (#509) A-
Aunt Nauseam (#510) B-
Prize Fighters (#511) B
My Night at Daria's (#512) A-
Boxing Daria (#513) A
Is It College Yet? (movie) B


Cincgreen, speaking about Outpost Daria: "Undoubtedly the most useful part of the website is the part marked “episodes”. You can find a list of each episode, summarized and reviewed by Mr. Mike Quinn, at one time famous for his Mike Quinn Delayed Action Reviews. That alone might make a Top Ten Website..." [1]

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