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The creation of a story in the dramatic comedy venue can be achieved through the mixing and matching of the various subgenres present in the respective parts of the overall genre, such as [[adventure | action]] comedies or [[parody | parodies]] that operate more as an homage to the original work than a mockery of it. While some dramatic comedies blend each part together seamlessly, others will switch back and forth between the two throughout the story, often starting off comedic, then becoming serious toward the end.
The creation of a story in the dramatic comedy venue can be achieved through the mixing and matching of the various subgenres present in the respective parts of the overall genre, such as [[adventure | action]] comedies or [[parody | parodies]] that operate more as an homage to the original work than a mockery of it. While some dramatic comedies blend each part together seamlessly, others will switch back and forth between the two throughout the story, often starting off comedic, then becoming serious toward the end.

==Dramatic Comedy and ''Daria'' Canon==
==Dramatic Comedy in ''Daria'' Canon==
While dramatic elements existed in ''Daria'' since the series' inception, these elements became more and more prominent as time wore on, placing the fourth and fifth seasons in particular in dramatic comedy territory. Comedy continued to play a large part through the use of [[satire]], parody, clever dialogue, and comedic characters such as [[Tiffany Blum-Deckler | Tiffany]], [[Kevin Thompson | Kevin]] and [[Brittany Taylor | Brittany]], but the inclusion of the [[Daria Morgendorffer|Daria]]-[[Tom Sloane|Tom]]-[[Jane Lane|Jane]] love triangle, heavier use of character development, and the introduction of dramatic storylines such as those found in "[[Psycho Therapy]]", "[[Art Burn]]", and "[[Boxing Daria]]" ensured that there was also a rough balance of drama.
While dramatic elements existed in ''Daria'' since the series' inception, these elements became more and more prominent as time wore on, placing the fourth and fifth seasons in particular in dramatic comedy territory. Comedy continued to play a large part through the use of [[satire]], parody, clever dialogue, and comedic characters such as [[Tiffany Blum-Deckler | Tiffany]], [[Kevin Thompson | Kevin]] and [[Brittany Taylor | Brittany]], but the inclusion of the [[Daria Morgendorffer|Daria]]-[[Tom Sloane|Tom]]-[[Jane Lane|Jane]] love triangle, heavier use of character development, and the introduction of dramatic storylines such as those found in "[[Psycho Therapy]]", "[[Art Burn]]", and "[[Boxing Daria]]" ensured that there was also a rough balance of drama.

==Dramatic Comedy and ''Daria'' Fanworks==
==Dramatic Comedy in ''Daria'' Fanworks==
There is some confusion in the fandom as to where drama and comedy end and dramatic comedy begins, as it is difficult to quantify exactly how much of each is required to cause the flip from one genre to the other. This has caused problems in the past in making nominations for the [[Daria Fanworks Awards]], and there tends to be a fair amount of overlap between the categories of Favorite Drama, Favorite Dramatic Comedy, and Favorite Comedy.
There is some confusion in the fandom as to where drama and comedy end and dramatic comedy begins, as it is difficult to quantify exactly how much of each is required to cause the flip from one genre to the other. This has caused problems in the past in making nominations for the [[Daria Fanworks Awards]], and there tends to be a fair amount of overlap between the categories of Favorite Drama, Favorite Dramatic Comedy, and Favorite Comedy.