Driven Wild Universe: Difference between revisions

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Initially, Wild's premise that Quinn was an intelligent person proved controversial. At the time, ''Daria'' had only aired three seasons, and while Quinn showed signs of mellowing, there was little substantial evidence that she could excel at school. Wild defended her interpretation of Quinn on a number of occasions from people who thought that Quinn succeeding at math was as likely as her sprouting pink wings and flying to [[Holiday Island]]. Once ''[[Is It Fall Yet?]]'' aired, Wild's vision was vindicated.
Wild's decision to take the characters in a direction that did not fit neatly within the confines of the series proper was also controversial. She wrote three-fourths of the DWU during a time (1999-2000) when canon versus off-canon battles were fierce, and many like [[Daniel Suni]] held that the best fanfics were scripted and did not deviate in any way from situations on the show. While Wild was spared the scorn heaped on writers like [[Canadibrit]] for [[The Look Alike Series]], her work was also not held up as a gold standard like the [[The Lost Seasons|fanfics]] of [[C.E. Forman]].
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