Dye! Dye! My Darling: Difference between revisions

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(Added detailed plot summary (too detailed?); some fanfiction coments;took the stub mark)
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==Plot Summary==
The plot follows some story lines from the previous episode, [[Fire!]].
The episode starts as [[Jane Lane|Jane]] is inat the Zoo with [[Trent Lane|Trent]], observing a Tiger for secret reasons.
The next day, or a few days later, [[Daria Morgendorffer|Daria]] Janeaccidentally walks in on [[Tom Sloane|Tom]] and sheJane kissing. After joking off Daria's intrusion, Jane reveals her surprise: a painting of Janeherself with her hair painted with alternatedalternating black and blond stripes in her hair, withagainst a jungle in the background. She announcestells Daria that this will be her new look, and wants Daria's help to achieve it.
Later that day, Daria and Jane are in a shop, checking hair dye products. Daria is reluctant to assist Jane, despite herJane's insistence. Jane hints that Daria may have aan differentulterior motive, which irritatesbut Daria insists it's only because she believes she's going to mess it up. Back at the Lane's, Daria prepares the hair dye and starts painting Jane's hair in stripes, though still stating objections on doing the job. As this happens,and Jane hints that Daria might be jealous of her and Tom, and be harboring feelings for him,. to Daria's annoyanceflatly denies this is the case.
Later, when Jane reveals her hair, it is shown that the job was blotchedbotched: her hair is almost completely orange, andwith injust bada few black shapeblotches, instead of havingthe alternateintended blond stripes. Furious, she lashes verballyout at Daria, accusing her of having done it on porposepurpose to steal Tom from her and throwsthrowing her out of the house. ImmediatelyThe afternext day, sheJane and Trent ride to the store to get a black dye paint. As she talks to her botherbrother, she remorsefully realizes Daria probably wasn't the betterbest choice for the job and had only done it perbecause Jane's insistenceinsisted.
The next day, Daria goes to school alone and attempts to call Jane, unsuccessfully. She is distressed enough to calcall her mother, but [[Helen Morgendorffer|Helen]], in a midst of a important case, hasn't time for herinterruptions.
That afternoon, Daria goes back to Lane's. Jane has dyed her hair back to black and the two girls talk: Daria assures Jane she hadndidn't blotchedbotch Jane's hair job on porposepurpose. When Jane asks about Tom, and whether Daria is interested in him, or even if they had kissed, the latterDaria flatly denies it. Jane accepts her appologyapology and tries to difuseget thethings back to situationnormal.
That evening, as Daria comes home, she discovers [[Tom Sloane|Tom]] parked in front atof her house. Tom wants to talk to Daria, but refuses her invitation to come in, as the [[Fashion Club]] is inside evaluating blushes. Daria enters his car and the two talk. Tom wants to talk to Daria about their "situation" but Daria rebuffs him, saying therethey isdon't nohave 'their'a "situation" and that Tom's presence is putting an edge between Daria and Jane. Tome counters that all he did was date Jane for a while and that now they are getting bored with each other. After both stating that they couldn't be interested in one another and would be betraying Jane if they did, [[The Kiss|Tom kisses Daria, who reciprocates]]. Realizing what she's done, she flees homethe vehicle.
The next day Daria comes to breakfast completely depressed and needing to talk to someone. [[Jake Morgendorffer|Jake]] just rants at the newspaper and leaves withoutpromising talkingto resume their discussion later (not noticing that Daria hadn't said a word). When [[Quinn Morgendorffer|Quinn]] cheerfully informs Daria that the FC are preparing another meeting for that afternoon, Daria abruptly says that she needs to talk to mom. Quinn, however,tells informs herDaria that shetheir mother has been working 18 hour days and that's finding time to spend with her is nigh impossible. Daria asks Quinn for advice about her situation, but her sister misunderstands her story and offers no advice (other than to "stop reading those books before it's too late!").
At school, when Jane cheerfully meets Daria, the laterDaria confesses she had kissed Tom. An astonished and hurt Jane flees the school to confront Tom at his home. After pounding on and screaming at him, the two talk: they agree that the relationrelationship had run its course and was heading nowhere. A depressed Jane sarcasticallyfirst proposesslams thatDaria for being boring, then supports her when Tom startsays datinghe Daria,wasn't tosure histhat he would date confusionher. Tom garanteespromises Jane that he wasn't seeing her just to get to Daria, and that he looks up to Jane.
Meanwhile, a depressed Daria goes see her mother at her workplaceoffice. After hearing her story, [[Helenover lunch, Morgendorffer|Helen]] consoles her by saying people aren't always in charge of their own lives, and, however bad the situation is, Daria shouldn't make things worse than they are and that things will get better, which helps Daria's mind a little.
Later that day, Jane isTrent pickedpicks up byJane, Trentwho is (presumably coming from Tom's house). After some light-hearted conversation, Jane asks to go to the MorgendorfferDaria's house.
There the two girls have a heart-to-heart. Despite Daria assurancesassures Jane that nothing like the kiss will ever happen again, Jane informsbreaks herthe news that she and Tom broke up,. he isJane freereluctantly andsuggests that she,Daria Janego out with Tom, but she is still mad at Daria for the betrayal. A disgruntled Daria says she doesn't believe Jane is ok with her dating Tom. When she asks Jane if they are still friends, she receives first an non-reply, which scares her. After, until Jane finally answers "''We're the kind of friends who can't stand the sight of each other.''" beforeHowever, sheJane expresses hope that the situation is merely a temporary leavesone.
The episode concludes that evening: Daria is lying down in her room and the phone rings. When she picks it up, we hear it's Tom.
The title of this episode is sometimes written as "Dye! Dye! My Darling!" with the extra exclamation mark. This hearkens back to the likely source of the title, the British movie [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fanatic_%281965_film%29 "Fanatic,"] whose U.S. title was "Die! Die! My Darling!".
It is possible the name could come from the album and song "Die, Die, myMy darlingDarling" from the punk band MistifsThe Misfits (who also took the name from that movie). Metallica had recently released a cover of this song on their 1998 album ''Garage Inc.''
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===Variations of the episode===
This episode has been featured in countless fanfiction works, due to the important interaction between Jane and Daria over Tom Sloane, and the betrayal Jane fells Daria did and the angst displayed. The adaptations include (but are not limited to) variations in which: Jane does not forgive Daria; The Kiss does not happen (either due to circumstances or because Daria refuses to kiss Tom); Daria not only kisses Tom but also sleeps with him; Jane forgives Daria but they do not reconcile completely..., and many more.
===Parodies of The Kiss===
Among adaptations of the episode, the moment Daria and Tom kiss ([[The Kiss]]) has been parodied in countless ways in PPMB [[Scenes That Should Not Be]] threads, particularly the dialogue between Daria and Jane that occurs the following morning:
''Jane - No walkee to school today? What happened?''
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''Jane - What?''
Substitutions of who kissed who, the exact actions taken, and the reactions of people involved are the most common variations.
==External Links==