Dye! Dye! My Darling: Difference between revisions

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Jane's question, "The Lady or the Tiger?", is a reference to a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lady,_or_the_Tiger short story] written in 1882 by [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_R._Stockton Frank R. Stockton]. The story's premise is that a man is placed in an arena and given a choice between two doors: behind one is a beautiful woman and behind the other is a fierce tiger.
"Dye! Dye!" ends with images from the "[[Is It Fall Yet?]]" film, before seguingsegueing into [[Alter ego|alter egos]].
===Daria's motives===
When [http://canigetamanwiththat.com/post/1086565092/dear-daria-revisiting-the-misery-chick asked] about why Daria would jeapordisejeopardize her relationship with Jane this way, [[Tracy Grandstaff]] gave a list of suggested reasons:
"Because life is messy? and complicated? and layered? Maybe Daria never expected a guy to be interested in her—until Tom came along? Maybe she sat in the shadows crushing over the unattainable Trent for so long, she was blindsided by Tom’s attention…? Maybe she admired Jane so much—because Jane was socially at ease, better looking, made out with guys, and didn’t have the same hang ups? Maybe Daria figured that Jane could land another guy easier than her? Maybe she thought Jane really wasn’t that into Tom? Maybe the writers wanted to make the storyline more interesting by creating a romantic conflict between Daria and Jane?"
Anonymous user