Fantasy: Difference between revisions

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Also called [ contemporary fantasy], modern magic stories present supernatural beings, devices, wizardry, creatures, and places that turn up in the world of today (or the late-1990s world of the ''Daria'' show). [[Crossovers]] with novels, movies, TV shows, and so forth are often seen (''The Wizard of Oz,'' ''Buffy the Vampire Slayer'', The Dresden Files, ''Resident Evil'', ''Xena the Warrior Princess'', every kind of anime movie imaginable, etc.).
[[Image:jodiefaerie.gif|frame|left|Faerie Jodie]]
Several sub-subgenres of modern magic appear with some frequency in ''Daria'' fanfiction.
* '''Body switchers''', in which one or more pairs of characters trade bodies and discover how the other half lives, per the movie ''Freaky Friday''. Examples: [[Daria and Quinn Switch Bodies]], by [[Nada Rowls]]; [[Eternity]], by [[Richard Lobinske]]; [[Live the Life of Quinn]], by [[Chris Mack]]; [[The Switch]], by [[Brett Shearer]]; [[The Way Things Ought to Be]], by [[Barry Eshkol Adelman]].
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* '''Suburban legends''', twisted "urban legends" told among teenagers, in the same vein as the three stories told in "[[Legends of the Mall]]." Examples: [[Chocolate Girl: The *Other* Legend of the Mall]], by [[MMan]]; [[The Girl Who Walked Home All Alone in the Dark]], by [[The Angst Guy]].
* '''Supernatural intruder tales''', in which lone, powerful individuals with magic-like abilities (not [[superheroes]]) enter [[Lawndale]] and interact with the locals. Examples: [[An Angel Named Mary Sue]], by [[Angelinhel]]; [[the Chris series]], by [[MFC]]; [[Crossover]], by [[Nemo Blank]]; [[Guardian]], by [[Mike Xeno]]; [[Identity Crisis]], by [[Yui Daoren]]; [[Illusions: The Unswerving Punctuality of--]], by [[CharlieGirl]]; [[It's a Wonderful Life, Not]], by [[Thomas Mikkelsen]]; [[Kitsune]] and [[Last Dance With Mary Jane]], by [[Rey Fox]]; [[A Midsummer Nightmare's Daria]], by [[The Angst Guy]]; [[Scarlett]], by [[The Angst Guy]]; [[Smoking Mirror]], by [[The Angst Guy]]; [[Stacy and the Lamp]], by [[The Angst Guy]]; [[Visitations]] series, by [[Brother Grimace]].
[[Image:jodiefaerie.gif|frame|left|Faerie Jodie]]
[[Image:Zquinn01a.gif|frame|right|Mermaid Quinn]]
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