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With living beings, Fran's power can keep them at the reduced/enlarged size for twenty-four hours, after which they return to normal size (unless she returns does so beforehand). With non-living objects, she can choose to make the transformation temporary or permanent (although she can return the item to normal size as she wishes. A noticeable quirk is the speed at which Fran can use her power; she can shrink or enlarge herself or other persons/objects so fast that her power resembles teleportation. Because of the nature of her powers, Fran can carry a multitude of items on her person, and enlarge them when needed.
She also has an increased physical durability when shrinking, and can subconsciously alter her mass to allow her to sit on a person's shoulder without notice, or fly through an armored windshield at very high speeds without harm to herself. A favorite stunt of Fran's is to slam into a person while minaturizedminiaturized, but at her full weight, in order to incapacitate them temporarily.
Fran possesses the ability to fly. This was first achieved by a set of artificalartificial wings that were given to her by [[William Appleton]] (who was also holding her in a very unhealthy relationship where he dominated her emotionally and sexually),. but afterAfter joining the Legion, Fran discovered that she has akept verythe limitedwings, anti-gravityeven powerafter (as a supplement toreceiving her mass-controlLegion ability)flight whichring. allowsWith her to defy gravity. Fran has kept the wings, as they help her to fly better. SheFran can fly at speeds of up to 800300 MPH (just over Mach 1), or hover for extended periods.
Fran also possesses enhanced physical attributes: she is capable of lifting up to 2000 pounds ((or up to 400 pounds with no effort), possesses the agility of an Olympic athlete, and endurance comparable to a Class Five physical augment (such as [[Tom Sloane]] or [[Maryann Lyter]]), which allows her to engage in physical exertions for as long as she is mentally unfatigued. It is possible for Fran to fly across great distances, such as a continent or an ocean.
Because of her training (authorized by Appleton), Fran has extensive knowledge of architectural design; she can examine the layout of any structure or area (or the blueprints/schematics thereof) in order to determine the most appropriate manner in which to place security features, and then circumvent them. She is a consummate infiltration and intrusion specialist, even without the use of her powers.
