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The driving force behind all this is that he's still traumatised by and obsessed with having been a bullied outcast in public school. When talking about the benefits of Grove Hills, without prompting he started to seethe about "idiots and fools and a quarterback who tells the whole school you shower in a towel. I'd like to see a quarterback write a paper on Mao".
All this time Jodie Landonhad peggedbeen himtrying asto abe polite and sociable but quickly loses her temper against Graham when he dismisses her opinions by stating that she isn't in Grove hills yet and there for there's no reason to take her seriously. Jodie goes wide eyed in anger and shouts: "HEY, because some jock made you feel like the loser you are, don't take it out on me!" to which he responded "I'm NOT a loser! I have a 165 IQ!". She tells him he's "boring and miserable", and he threatens to make sure she never goes to Grove Hills (likely an idle threat).
Notably, Graham trieswhile trying to dismiss and belittle Jodie, who'd spent the previous conversations being polite and sociable, but ''doesn't'' try to do it to Daria, who'd shown she didn't care about that and was willing to insult him.
[[Image:Grahamangry.jpg|thumb|150px|Graham rants]]