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Things were generally strained at best between Helen and her two sisters, Rita and [[Amy Barksdale]]. As is evident in "[[I Don't]]" and "[[Aunt Nauseum]]," the trio let childhood quarrels and long-ago family issues dominate their adult lives. Helen and Rita tended to start out making nice, then begin arguing intensely, while Amy would wander off after making sarcastic comments about them. In childhood, Amy avoided them as much as possible due to the constant bickering.
Helen never got over Rita being the favoured daughter of the family and is irritated that she still is. She was shocked to discover in "Nauseum" that ''Rita'' resented ''her'' for being so academically achieving and active that she made the other girls look "lazy" in front of their parents. Despite this, and despite how they keep arguing whenever they talk or meet, Helen and Rita have maintained lines of contact ("[[The Story of D]]", "[[The Daria Diaries]]", "[[A Tree Grows in Lawndale]]"). The same cannot be said for Helen and Amy, who hadn't talked in so long by "I Don't" that Amy is unaware of her niece's ages. In "[[Through Aa Lens, Darkly]]" Helen comments that the only reason Amy keeps ''any'' contact with her is to get under her skin.
Helen considered Amy to have used the other sister's bickering as an excuse to get out of any family responsibility, while Amy expressed contempt for Helen "nurs[ing] a childhood grudge well into adulthood because Rita was mom's favorite" ("Nauseum"). While Amy asks [[Paul Meyerson|Rita's boyfriend]] a normal question in "I Don't", she commends Jake for "remarkable fortitude" in staying married to Helen - a rather nasty barb, though when Helen didn't respond to. When making comments about the two women fighting in "I Don't", it's Helen she targets as the reason for why fighting has broken out, insinuating it's because Rita got the better car from Dad - which turns out be ''correct''...