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Helen Morgendorffer is a classic Type A personality, driven to be the best and succeed no matter what. This results in her often neglecting her husband and children, which she does regret somewhat on a regular basis. Despite her strong drive for corporate life, Helen is equally driven to fulfill her roles as mother and wife to her family, though this task seems far from easy. Helen throughout the duration of the television series tries to show care and love for her family, though her work continually interrupts or overshadows such efforts. Nonetheless she continues to make these attempts without slackening, and occasionally is successful.
In "[[Daria!]]", Helen sings a duet (with Quinn) where she admits that "I could do a half-assed job and nobody would care", but she's addicted to work and being seen as the best: "coming in second wouldn't be the worst" as long as nobody else was in first place. As she knows that would sound mad to everyone, she keeps it to herself. In "[[Psycho Therapy]]", Daria notes her mother is both resentful about needing to work so hard ''and'' guilty that she ''enjoys'' working that hard,
InAlso in "[[Psycho Therapy]]", the idea that she was seen as only ''pretending'' to care about her family drove her to despair: "I've given everything I've got, but it's just not enough. Well, I've got nothing left to give." She thought she'd ruined her family's lives until Daria managed to console her. She was left worried at the end of the episode when her psychiatric report stated she was aggressively selfish and ignoring her family in favour of her career... which made her law firm put her on the partnership fast-track, [[Eric Schrecter]] cheerfully telling her that's what they wanted in a partner. Helen was notably worried by this.
==Relationship with her sisters==