Ill Wind
Ill Wind is the sixty-first installment of Roentgen's Legion of Lawndale Heroes series. It was initially titled 8:1 (Chapter 8, Part 1), and was given a title for the first time when coding of the older postings of LLH on the PPMB was corrected.
Warning: The following may contain plot or ending details.
The Legionnaires plan on pulling hurricane duty in New Orleans, but one person has plans to keep them in Lawndale.
- This story takes place in Late August 2005, around the time of Hurricane Katrina.
- "The Marine" is officially revealed to be Kyle Armalin.
- Brittany begins study of combat medicine.
- Daria begins wearing a plexiglass face protector with her uniform after breaking her nose a month earlier in a fight with Brittany Taylor/Lou Cypher.