Inheritance is the sixty-sixth installment of Roentgen's Legion of Lawndale Heroes series. It was initially titled 8:6 (Chapter 8, Part 6), and was given a title for the first time when coding of the older postings of LLH on the PPMB was corrected.
Warning: The following may contain plot or ending details.
Tom and Brittany are each introduced to family relations.
- Brittany's grandmother's name is "Jo" -- this is Steve Taylor's mother. Brittany calls her "GrannyJo". GrannyJo was also large busted, and was also a cheerleader.
- Tom Sloane's full name is given as Thomas Lyman Sloane.
- A variant of the ritual speech given by the Elite is used in LLH 12:5 ("The Wild and the Young").
- Vivian's maiden name is "Sizemore". Vivian lives at the Tierra Barona Intensive Treatment and Research Facility, under the name of "Vivian Sizemore". She suffers from severe schizophrenia.
Dramatis Personae[edit]
- Jeff Dells, the head of Quest Security. (Corporate Security, as opposed to security at Legion Tower or the training cadre.)
- Alex, a staff member at Tierra Barona.
- Mr. Caudill, a visitor to Tierra Barona.