Is It College Yet?: Difference between revisions

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Like "Is It Fall Yet?", the movie opens with a fantasy title sequence and a newly commissioned song by [[Splendora]] (about college being a pain in the ass). The sequence shows various iconic images of college life in America (and pisstakes thereof) throughout the 20th century, with the images given the appropriate "film quality" and characters wearing period costumes.
This has been released on DVD twice, and both times it had a number of small cuts (usually brief lines) - the full version has only ever been seen on television. The cuts mainly have extra jokes, and aren't noticeable at all if you weren't previously aware of them. The exceptions are a brief Tom and Daria scene, where they agree to meet for a date and she then abruptly decides to cancel a few seconds later (build up for the end of their relationship), and; the revelation that the cheerleader's are all going to the same college because it's the only one that will accept their bad grades; and [[Andrew Landon]] waving away the idea of Jodie having a breakdown and trying to tempt Mack by pointing out Crestmore is nearer to Vance than Turner.
The various colleges the characters talk about being interested in have obvious parallels with real-life schools. Raft College, for example, is likely Tufts, a prestigious school on the outskirts of Boston, while Bromwell is probably Yale, given its distance from Boston and location of New Town (New Haven). Crestmore (described by Mack as "the dream of dreams") may be Harvard or a school of comparable quality in another part of the country, such as Stanford.
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In "[[A Tree Grows in Lawndale]]", Brittany said theirs was an "eternal love that would last until graduation!"...
Daria says that Jane told her State and Lawndale State's art departments "couldn't even draw Spunky". This references "[[The Daria Diaries]]", where the very dodgy "Jacques Picasso Art Correspondence School" would enroll you if you could copy a picture of Spunky the dog. Jane had applied for a laugh, drawing lots of mutated Spunkies.
Quinn has seen the horror film ''Thinner'' (but doesn't know why a lose-weight curse is supposed to be scary).