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In Daria's speech at the end if this episode, we learn a little bit about her guiding philosophy, a loosely connected set of ideas that has kept her grounded, kept her Daria, in spite of her changing personality and changing circumstances.
==The "Future Egos"==
[[Image:Goodmornings.gif|frame|right|The shape of things to come?!]]
In place of the usual [[Alter Ego]] images, the credits show tongue-in-cheek versions of the character's futures. Some of these seem plausible, while others are very silly indeed - they were created as jokes and are not meant to be the 'real' futures, though a number of fanfics have taken them literally.
They include:
* [[Mystik Spiral]] (bar Trent) as a church choir
* [[Andrea]] as a swimsuit model (and thinner)
* Quinn as a business executive
* Tom as an aging shut-in in a nursing home (this is a disturbingly grim ego!)
* Jodie as owner of Landon Towers Casino & Resort
* Sandi as a madam running Griffin Escorts
* Jake and Helen retired at a mountain cabin, both hooked out to a valium drip
* Mack and Kevin as the owners and mascots for the Bro & QB ice-cream company
* Lindy and [[Alison]] as a couple, raising adopted children at a farm
* Tiffany as a psychic
* DeMartino as a ''very'' happy mailman
* Brittany as an actress in slasher films
* Barch running a shotgun wedding chapel
* [[The Three J's]] as reporters for JLR (a spin on MTV's TLR)
* Trent as a bald, pudgy US Senator in the year 2041, involved in a Family Opportunity Act
* O'Neill playing Peter Pan in a theatre
* Stacy as a NASCAR racer
* Ms Li as a psychotic cat lady holed up in her house (this one isn't included in the DVD version)
* Upchuck as a rich fashion designer
* Daria and Jane as the hosts for a breakfast show, Good Mornings With Daria and Jane
==''Is It College Yet?'' and Fanfic==