Is It College Yet?: Difference between revisions

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The various colleges the characters talk about being interested in have obvious parallels with real-life schools. Raft College, for example, is likely Tufts, a prestigious school on the outskirts of Boston, while Bromwell is probably Yale, given its distance from Boston and location of New Town (New Haven). Crestmore (described by Mack as "the dream of dreams") may be Harvard or a school of comparable quality in another part of the country, such as Stanford.
We also learn, indirectly, that [[Lawndale High]] hasseems to have a tradition of "Academic Achievement in the Face of Almost Total Misanthropy," becauseas theyevidenced haveby athe seniorpresentation awardof forthe it[[Diane Fossey Award]]. ItThen again, it is morequite likelypossible that [[Angela Li|Ms. Li]] invented it or modified an existing award as a backhanded recognition of Daria.
In Daria's speech at the end if this episode, we learn a little bit about her guiding philosophy, a loosely connected set of ideas that has kept her grounded, kept her Daria, in spite of her changing personality and changing circumstances.
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