Is It Fall Yet?: Difference between revisions

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In [[Lawndale High]], students wrap up the finishing school year and prepare for the summer vacation: [[Brittany Taylor|Brittany]] and [[Kevin Thompson|Kevin]] will work as lifeguards in the local pool; [[Mack Mackenzie|Mack]] has a job driving an ice cream truck; [[Jodie Landon|Jodie]], to her annoyance, has a full set of activities prepared, including golf lessons, an internship in a senator’s office, fund raising, working in a crises center and volunteering at a soup kitchen.
[[Jane Lane|Jane]], in these final school days, [[Dye, Dye My Darling|after her breakup with]] [[Tom Sloane]] and the[[The Kiss|related events]], is giving Daria the cold shoulder. After much insistence from the latter, Jane eventually reveals she will spend the summer in [[Ashfield]], an art colony outside Lawndale, though she refuses to talk about Tom, showing to still be hurt by [[The Kiss|their betrayal]].
In the sophomore class, when the PSAT results arrive and [[Quinn Morgendorffer|Quinn’s]] score is lower than she had expected, she decides to hire a tutor for the summer. Quinn tries to keep this a secret, but Sandi is only too happy to spill the beans to the other students. However, the enthusiastic reaction from the [[The Three Js]] prompts the rest of the [[Fashion Club]] (who had had even lower PSAT results than Quinn) to hire a tutor too.
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Returning from school, Daria and Jane talk about their summers when they are met by Tom in his new car. Jane pleasantly greets him and then leaves for him and Daria to talk. Tom offers Daria a ride home and, arriving there, he pleads her for a second opportunity for their relation, conceding about their differences and noting her difficulties in dating. After some hesitation, Daria shyly indicates she also is willing to try again and the two indulge in some smooching.
This scene is watched by Helen from the living room window, who happily reminisces about the changes undergone by both her daughters during the summer. Jake’s answer is first apparently clueless... before he smiles, indicating he’s making a joke (something he had not been capable off during the whole summer). He then proceeds to (off-camera) chase his wife around the house for some old couple’s fun.
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