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Jake and Helen are and always have been much in love, but there is a strong undercurrent of resentment between the two of them in their relationship. In the episode "[[Psycho Therapy]]," Helen describes Jake's behavior as "lost in a fog when [he's] not flying into a rage" to a counselor. His general meekness often causes Helen to make a majority of the decisions. When Jake goes into a rage, Helen ranges from either humoring him or pushing back.
In "Psycho Therapy," Jake accuses Helen of having control issues, inallowing which he is allowedhim no vices. Both of them are then asked to role-play as the other, andleading Jake portrayedto portray Helen as a narcissistic career woman with an addiction to praise and does everything without empathy, while Helen portrayedportrays Jake as a self-pitying manic-depressive who doesn't try to fix his own problems and is adverse to responsibility. Jake's assessment of Helen really hithits home for her and upsetupsets her greatly, toleading whichhim heto apologizedapologize afterwardsafterward.
Despite this, thoughepisode, both of them still care about each other, and there is no lack of passion in their marriage. It is unknown whether the role-play resulted in any lasting emotional scars.