Jake of Hearts: Difference between revisions

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The accident and the arrival of [[Ruth Morgendorffer]] a few days later causes changes and stress on all family: Helen resents her mother-in-law's unsolicited advice, and starts to try to cook and take more care of the household to prove she can. Quinn has the idea to study medicine to help her father in the future, despite her grandmother’s warnings that she does not need to study, but rather just marry a nice doctor. For once, Helen is ignoring calls from the office and Quinn ignoring boys to do studying. ("Yes, Quinn's here, but she's studying. ... No, this ''isn't'' a prank call. You called me.")
While witnessing this, Daria has to listen to her father’s anxious speeches and beliefs that he will not live much longer, while at the same time having to endure the constant Z-93 stunts at school and the DJs pressuring her to be part of the show. In a low point, "Mental in the Morning" offers a Z-93 bumper sticker as a prize to anyone who'll date [[Upchuck]] as a prize; [[Jodie Landon]] thinks this is too humiliating, to which Daria remarks "Think how the bumper sticker must feel." This leads to the DJ's trying to get ''her'' to do it ("You look like you could use a date").
At a later conversation between Ruth and Jake, details of their previous life with [["Mad Dog" Morgendorffer]] begin to surface, revealing that his father had been an abuser of both her wife and son, and she wishes she'd done many things differently.
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The DJ's abruptly flee the school.
At home, she calmly puts her grandmother on the spot when she notices how bad her decisions regarding her husband had been. This effectively silences Ruth ("You both owe me") by making her realisingrealizing she's doing more harm than good. Finally, Daria tries to help her father. In the face of his concerns about whether he's doing a good job ''as'' a father, Daria dodges the issue and cures him of his despondency by noting her granddad was dead at this point. Feeling like he's beaten his father - "I'm better at ''living!''" - revives Jake from his funk, and the instant he's okay Helen goes back to overworking and Quinn abandons studying.
At the end of the episode, Daria tells the previous days’ events with Jane while at [[Pizza King]] and how she reluctantly sees home and school could both be worse. That's when Z-93, apparently unfazed by Daria's rant towards them, parks and starts broadcasting right outside.
==Timeline headaches==
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* [https://sites.google.com/site/dariatranscripts/309-jake-of-hearts “Jake of Hearts” transcript]
* [http://dariablog2.blogspot.com/2008/07/mental-in-morning.html "Mental in the Morning,"] on the [[Daria Fandom Blog II]]
* [https://archiveofourown.org/works/17623430/chapters/41550599 Episode Analysis] by [[WellTemperedClavier]]