Jamie White

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Revision as of 22:13, 22 March 2009 by m>João Paulo Costa (re-wording and some corrections)

Jamie is a classmate of Quinn Morgendorffer and one of the Three Js who worship Quinn and attempt to get dates with her.


Jamie is recognizable amoung the Three J's due to his blond hair. He is part of the football team.

He stands apart from the Three Js is the following ways:

  • Quinn repeatedly forgots his name, calling him Jeremy, Jimmy, Jamiel or Jerome. From a comment the character makes in Fair Enough, it seems other people also usually forget his name.
  • Despite the name-forgetting (or perhaps due to it), Jamie is the only one of the Three Js to have been given a last name, 'White' (revealed in Fair Enough).
  • It is Jamie to whom Daria imagines Quinn becomes married (and with whom she has four kids) in Write Where It Hurts.

In Fanfiction

The three J's are a regular appearances in fanfict. Jamie, as a single character, appears in:

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