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As a lawyer, his knowledge of the law is vast and detailed, but his knowledge of the letter of law is exceeded by his contempt for its spirit.
In sum, while he does not meet the diagnostic criteria for psychopathy, he is more dangerous than a psychopath for it. [[Brother Grimace]] and [[The Angst Guy]] think highly of Jim Vitale as a villian in [[Daria (TV series)|Daria]] fandom, and Brother Grimace is of the opinion that Vitale is the one, true and original [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main.MagnificentBastard Magnificent Bastard] in all of Daria fanfiction, as defined by the [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HomePage TV Tropes.Org] web site.
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* In [[Where's Mary Sue When You Need Her?|Where's Mary Sue]], he is depicted having an affair with [[Linda Griffin]], [[Sandi]] Griffin|Sandi's]] mother.
* Usually calls Eric Schrecter, Helen's boss, "asshat," and holds him in great contempt. The term has come to be his signature insult.
* Collects wine, notably first-growth Bordeaux and Sauturnes, and keeps a selection of excellent liquors on hand.