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*When Ms. Li calls a school review meeting on Super Bowl Sunday, the new editor of the Lawndale Lowdown assigns Daria and John to cover the story. When Ms. Li signs a contract with a soda company, they find themselves with limited options on what to do about it.
'''John Lane 45: [[Haunted by the Past]]
*When the Fashion Club decides to produce a fashion newspaper, Daria's past in Highland comes back to haunt her. Meanwhile, Helen encourages Daria and John to seek scholarships and some extra activities for their college applicatins.
'''John Lane 46: [[Substitute Plans]]
*When the faculty of Lawndale High goes on strike, Ms. Li finds a shortage of at least minimally acceptable substitutes. To make up for the shortfall, she comes up with a way to "recruit" John, Daria, Jodie and Mack.
'''John Lane 47: [[Another Look in the Mirror]]
*While John and Daria finish up their college applications, they learn that Daria's cousin Erin is getting a divorce and will be dropping in to work with Helen on the process.