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Born in New York City (specifically, in Manhattan), Julia is the daughter of [[Forbes Carlyle]] (although she was raised by Forbes and [[Paige Turner]], her long-time domestic partner); she is also oldest of three children to [[Deforest Carlyle]] (her biological father). Julia also has, (through Deforest and his wife, [[Lauren Millerson]]) a younger sister in high school - [[Antigone Carlyle]] (or just 'Annie' by her friends), and a younger brother - [[Lexington Carlyle]] ('Lex'), who is in grade school. Julia is a member of the uber-wealthy Clan Carlyle, a family that can trace its recorded ancestry as a distinct, separate faction within the [[Twelve Clans]] back over fifteen generations - to the birth of [[Majel Carlyle]], and her actions in the war of attempted unification of the Twelve Clans with [[The Elite]]. All members of the Clan Carlyle have metahuman powers, but are '''not''' members of The Elite, nor are they interested in revealing those abilities to the world in general. This is one of the mitigating factors that allowed the truce to be crafted, and also why The Elite has not tried to eliminate them, although it is almost certain that they have been in contact for various purposes over the centuries.)
Born in New York City (specifically, in Manhattan), Julia is the daughter of [[Forbes Carlyle]] (although she was raised by Forbes and [[Paige Turner]], her long-time domestic partner); she is also oldest of three children to [[Deforest Carlyle]] (her biological father). Julia also has, (through Deforest and his wife, [[Lauren Millerson]]) a younger sister in high school - [[Antigone Carlyle]] (or just 'Annie' by her friends), who is three years younger than Julia, and a younger brother - [[Lexington Carlyle]] ('Lex'), who is in grade school and is seven years younger than Julia. Finally, she also has a younger sister (unnamed) who is the child of Paige and Deforest, who is the biological father; this sister's name is unrevealed, and she is eleven years younger than Julia.

Julia is a member of the uber-wealthy Clan Carlyle, a family that can trace its recorded ancestry as a distinct, separate faction within the [[Twelve Clans]] back over fifteen generations - to the birth of [[Majel Carlyle]], and her actions in the war of attempted unification of the Twelve Clans with [[The Elite]]. All members of the Clan Carlyle have metahuman powers, but are '''not''' members of The Elite, nor are they interested in revealing those abilities to the world in general. This is one of the mitigating factors that allowed the truce to be crafted, and also why The Elite has not tried to eliminate them, although it is almost certain that they have been in contact for various purposes over the centuries. The exact wealth of the Clan Carlyle is unknown, but they are easily one of the three wealthiest of the Twelve Clans and known as one of the wealthiest families on Earth; Julia's personal worth (due to her own trust fund and her family allowances) is in the three to six-billion dollar range.

The great-granddaughter of [[Miranda Carlyle]], Julia is incredibly attractive; she is 5'10 in height and weighs 125 pounds, with the traditional Carlyle birthright of long, dark scarlet hair and slender, with ''very'' long legs. Like the majority of 'Carlyle women', Julia has large, jade-green eyes; Julia, in fact, looks '''exactly''' like Majel Carlyle herself.
The great-granddaughter of [[Miranda Carlyle]], Julia is incredibly attractive; she is 5'10 in height and weighs 125 pounds, with the traditional Carlyle birthright of long, dark scarlet hair and slender, with ''very'' long legs. Like the majority of 'Carlyle women', Julia has large, jade-green eyes; Julia, in fact, looks '''exactly''' like Majel Carlyle herself.

Always a rebellious child, Julia discovered her powers at the age of seven (when she sprouted her wings for the first time), and for the next two years, found a great thrill in annoying her family members and neighbors in the upstate New York area (on and around the Carlyle estate). (It was revealed in the '[[Judith Strikes]]!' fic '[[Not So Different]]' that Julia lived at both her great-grandmother's estate, and in the affluent Denver, Co. suburb of Aurora with her mother and Paige - who she refers to fondly as '' 'Mommy Paige' '' - before she went to USAES.) She grew more daring, using her hyper-speed flight powers to travel around the world to various locations and having adventures. (Because of her habit of constantly disappearing and never being where she was supposed to be - even before her powers developed - Julia picked up the nickname 'Milky' (as in you'll have to put her face on a milk carton to find her.') She came to the attention of [[Professor Richard Hiram Blumenberg]] in the summer before her ninth birthday, who spoke to the Carlyle family about Julia attending USAES; he left after being given a resounding 'no' to the question, but was shocked when Julia showed up at USAES less than a half-hour after he had returned. (She used her powers of flight and tracking to follow him there.) After a spirited conversation on the phone, Julia was allowed to stay at USAES, and would become the final member of [[Training Cadre 2996]]. (She is also the youngest member of the cadre, being almost three years younger than the others.) In order to give her 'her own space', as well as a person outside of her cadre who she could feel comfortable with, the Professor assigned her as [[Sherrie Klein]]'s roommate. This was also a way to keep Klein (who was to be the final member of ''The Alliance'', had Julia not arrived) close to the group.
Always a rebellious child, Julia discovered her powers at the age of seven (when she sprouted her wings for the first time), and for the next two years, found a great thrill in annoying her family members and neighbors in the upstate New York area (on and around the Carlyle estate). (It was revealed in the '[[Judith Strikes]]!' fic '[[Not So Different]]' that Julia lived at both her great-grandmother's estate, and in the affluent Denver, Co. suburb of Aurora with her mother and Paige - who she refers to fondly as '' 'Mommy Paige' '' - before she went to USAES.) She grew more daring, using her hyper-speed flight powers to travel around the world to various locations and having adventures. (Because of her habit of constantly disappearing and never being where she was supposed to be - even before her powers developed - Julia picked up the nickname 'Milky' (as in you'll have to put her face on a milk carton to find her.') She came to the attention of [[Professor Richard Hiram Blumenberg]] in the summer before her ninth birthday, who spoke to the Carlyle family about Julia attending USAES; he left after being given a resounding 'no' to the question, but was shocked when Julia showed up at USAES less than a half-hour after he had returned. (She used her powers of flight and tracking to follow him there.) After a spirited conversation on the phone, Julia was allowed to stay at USAES, and would become the final member of [[Training Cadre 2996]]. (She is also the youngest member of the cadre, being almost three years younger than the others.) In order to give her 'her own space', as well as a person outside of her cadre who she could feel comfortable with, the Professor assigned her as [[Sherrie Klein]]'s roommate. This was also a way to keep Klein (who was to be the final member of ''The Alliance'', had Julia not arrived) close to the group. (Despite her signature wings and sonic powers, the majority of Julia's abilities are psionic in nature, and Julia spends as much time in the Mental Enhancement as she does in the Metahuman Transportation and Travel program, and she wears both a platinum 'psi' symbol and a pair of platinum wings - the symbols of those programs.)

Every inch the autocratic 'Carlyle woman' expected by her great-grandmother (albeit with a rebellious, adventuring streak and a gift for snarkiness), Julia is nevertheless a very strong team player, even to the point of accepting a subordinate role to those she feels are worthy of being good leaders.
Every inch the autocratic 'Carlyle woman' expected by her great-grandmother (albeit with a rebellious, adventuring streak and a gift for snarkiness), Julia is nevertheless a very strong team player, even to the point of accepting a subordinate role to those she feels are worthy of being good leaders.
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'''Healing Factor:''' Julia also possesses the ability to self-regenerate and heal herself from even lethal injuries or exposures to lethal environments or substances. This ability is so powerful that she can even reconstitute her body if large portions are destroyed or even if she is subject to disintegration; if even a molecule of her form still exists, she can reconstitute her form. (Even if her body is '''completely''' destroyed, if her spirit is still viable, she can reconstitute her form if a sample of her DNA (a hair, fingernail, saliva sample, etc.) can be found; her power will reconstitute her body and automatically re-establish her spirit inside her body.) Julia's power even provides her with total immunity to supernaturally-oriented conditions (such as vampirism) and diseases which are traditionally considered to have a 100% mortality rate (such as exposure to the viral agents that cause transformation to a zombie state); her saliva acts in a way similar to the solution created by [[Project Nightbreed]], in that it grants a person exposed to it her full healing ability (the effect wears off after five minutes). Julia's regeneration/healing ability is so powerful that it exists even in her bodily fluids; a kiss from Julia can heal persons of even mortal injury, and a small transfusion of her blood can resurrect a person who has been dead for up to twenty-four hours. Unlike other metahumans with healing factors, Julia is not adversely affected if her powers are nullified; she still possesses the same resistance to germs and disease as any normal in excellent physical shape that engages in intense physical exercise.
'''Healing Factor:''' Julia also possesses the ability to self-regenerate and heal herself from even lethal injuries or exposures to lethal environments or substances. This ability is so powerful that she can even reconstitute her body if large portions are destroyed or even if she is subject to disintegration; if even a molecule of her form still exists, she can reconstitute her form. (Even if her body is '''completely''' destroyed, if her spirit is still viable, she can reconstitute her form if a sample of her DNA (a hair, fingernail, saliva sample, etc.) can be found; her power will reconstitute her body and automatically re-establish her spirit inside her body.) Julia's power even provides her with total immunity to supernaturally-oriented conditions (such as vampirism) and diseases which are traditionally considered to have a 100% mortality rate (such as exposure to the viral agents that cause transformation to a zombie state); her saliva acts in a way similar to the solution created by [[Project Nightbreed]], in that it grants a person exposed to it her full healing ability (the effect wears off after five minutes). Julia's regeneration/healing ability is so powerful that it exists even in her bodily fluids; a kiss from Julia can heal persons of even mortal injury, and a small transfusion of her blood can resurrect a person who has been dead for up to twenty-four hours. Unlike other metahumans with healing factors, Julia is not adversely affected if her powers are nullified; she still possesses the same resistance to germs and disease as any normal in excellent physical shape that engages in intense physical exercise.

'''Advanced Telocation:''' Julia has the ability to lock onto the psionic signature of a target (after handling a personal object or being in a 'personal area' belonging to the target) and track them down. Julia's ability allows her to track a target anywhere within a 1000-mile radius. If the target is using active mental defenses or is shielded in an area proofed against mental powers, Julia can then only track to the spot where the target was before the protection was engaged. When Julia uses her telelocation power in conjunction with her speech-throwing ability (see below), Julia additionally manifests the ability to generate an astral form that only that person that she is tracking can see and communicate with; Julia can only perform within six miles of her target. (Note that while in contact with that person, Julia can maintain her astral form in order to move about anywhere within a radius of 120 yards of that person's position; she can walk up stairs, pass through doors and explore; with extreme concentration - during which time is unable to move her physical form - Julia can solidify her astral form (it will still be invisible) in order to perform physical tasks.) While using her telelocation power, Julia is vulnerable to psionic attack.
'''Advanced Telocation:''' Julia has the ability to lock onto the psionic signature of a target (after handling a personal object or being in a 'personal area' belonging to the target) and track them down. Julia's ability allows her to track a target anywhere within a 1000-mile radius. (If she has no personal object to focus her powers on, she is limited to a six-mile radius.) If the target is using active mental defenses or is shielded in an area proofed against mental powers, Julia can then only track to the spot where the target was before the protection was engaged. When Julia uses her telelocation power in conjunction with her speech-throwing ability (see below), Julia additionally manifests the ability to generate an astral form that only that person that she is tracking can see and communicate with; Julia can only perform within six miles of her target. (Note that while in contact with that person, Julia can maintain her astral form in order to move about anywhere within a radius of 120 yards of that person's position; she can walk up stairs, pass through doors and explore; with extreme concentration - during which time is unable to move her physical form - Julia can solidify her astral form (it will still be invisible) in order to perform physical tasks.) While using her telelocation power, Julia is vulnerable to psionic attack.

'''Astral Form:''' Julia can project her astral form out to six miles away. While in astral form, she can use her powers as normal, and her regeneration ability acts upon her astral form as it does upon her physical form. In addition, her speech-throwing and clairaudience powers act in the manner of telepathy.

'''Mental Shields:''' Julia possesses an innate psionic shield that is difficult for even the most powerful of telepaths to penetrate; this shield also protects her from related psionic and emotion-based attacks (including mind control, mental stunning, possession attempts of any form, mental-detection and suppression attacks upon the psyche and the autonomic nervous system). This shield is always in place, but is automatically lowered when Julia uses her telelocation power. Julia can lower the shield when she wants to allow any form of psi-contact; in addition, Julia can still 'hear' telepathic wide-band and personal broadcasts directed towards her even when her shield is active, as her shield acts as a 'filter' to simply allow reception, but not locating or control of her mind. Like her healing ability, Julia's mental shields cannot be nullified by any form of power dampening or nullification technology or powers; in the case of technology as the [[Psychon-class devices|Mark 50 suppression band]], Julia's shield goes into a 'default' state and is locked into place'.
'''Mental Shields:''' Julia possesses an innate psionic shield that is difficult for even the most powerful of telepaths to penetrate; this shield also protects her from related psionic and emotion-based attacks (including mind control, mental stunning, possession attempts of any form, mental-detection and suppression attacks upon the psyche and the autonomic nervous system). This shield is always in place, but is automatically lowered when Julia uses her telelocation power. Julia can lower the shield when she wants to allow any form of psi-contact; in addition, Julia can still 'hear' telepathic wide-band and personal broadcasts directed towards her even when her shield is active, as her shield acts as a 'filter' to simply allow reception, but not locating or control of her mind. Like her healing ability, Julia's mental shields cannot be nullified by any form of power dampening or nullification technology or powers; in the case of technology as the [[Psychon-class devices|Mark 50 suppression band]], Julia's shield goes into a 'default' state and is locked into place'.

'''Sonic Generation:''' Julia has the ability to project tightly-focused waves of hypersonic energy, which are so powerful that they can actually break down the molecular bindings of solid material and reduce them to a semi-solid/liquid state. She can affect everything within a quarter-mile area, or attack a single target within her line of sight. Furthermore, the nature of Julia's powers (see below) allows her to direct the sonic waves in such a manner so that the intense damaging nature of her sound projection can be directed without harm to persons/items she is not trying to affect (when attacking single targets).
'''Sonic Generation:''' Julia has the ability to project tightly-focused waves of hypersonic energy, which are so powerful that they can actually break down the molecular bindings of solid material and reduce them to a semi-solid/liquid state. She can affect everything within a quarter-mile area, or attack a single target within her line of sight. Furthermore, the nature of Julia's powers (see below) allows her to direct the sonic waves in such a manner so that the intense damaging nature of her sound projection can be directed without harm to persons/items she is not trying to affect (when attacking single targets). Julia can also use her sonic powers as a form of radar/sonar (when in the appropriate environments to do so), and although she rarely needs to do so (because of her wings and the higher speed she has with them), Julia can use her sonic powers in order to fly at up to the speed of sound, or 770 MPH. Because of the psionic basis of her power, Julia's sonic powers also act in the nature of a psionic blast as well as a sonic attack, allowing Julia to incapacitate even high-level psionics or persons with psi-defenses.

Julia's sonic powers are psionic in nature, allowing them to work underwater or in a vacuum; in addition, powers or devices that suppress her ability to speak (or even conditions such as laryngitis) cannot affect her power. However, her powers can be muted out or blocked by powers that dampen mental abilities. As a side-effect of her power, Julia cannot be affected by her own powers or any sonic-or voice-related ability or device; this gives her immunity to mind-control devices of this nature.
Julia's sonic powers are psionic in nature, allowing them to work underwater or in a vacuum; in addition, powers or devices that suppress her ability to speak (or even conditions such as laryngitis) cannot affect her power. However, her powers can be muted out or blocked by powers that dampen mental abilities. As a side-effect of her power, Julia cannot be affected by her own powers or any sonic-or voice-related ability or device; this gives her immunity to mind-control devices of this nature.

'''"Speech-throwing":''' Julia can 'throw her voice' in a psionic-related form of ventriloquism to any place or person that she can actually view in real-time (through television, binoculars, etc.). Her range for this power is 25,000 miles (if she has a way to view them in real-time); however, in conjunction with her telelocation, Julia's effective range for her power is 1000 miles.
'''"Speech-throwing":''' Julia can 'throw her voice' in a psionic-related form of ventriloquism to any place or person that she can actually view in real-time (through television, binoculars, etc.). Her range for this power is 25,000 miles (if she has a way to view them in real-time); however, in conjunction with her telelocation and clairaudience, Julia's effective range for her power is 1000 miles.

'''Clairaudience:''' Julia has a clairaudience ability that is linked with her speech-throwing ability; her effective range is 1000 miles. She can also use it to listen to events up to six miles away without engaging her speech-throwing ability.

'''Pyrokinetic Energy Sheath:''' Julia possesses a limitc pyrokinetic ability; this allows her to generate a sheath/corona of flame around any item she wishes, without doing any physical damage to the object. In addition, if the item is of the appropriate nature, the item/object can be used as a weapon with the additional protection or damage capabilities that the flame sheath provides. Julia has absolute control of the flame sheath, and can expand/or contract it at will, as well as exercise precise control the intensity of the flames (down to a tenth of a degree). She primarily has used this ability to sheath swords with flame (in order to fool individuals into believing that she is an angel).
'''Pyrokinetic Energy Sheath:''' Julia possesses a limited pyrokinetic ability; this allows her to generate a sheath/corona of flame around any item she wishes, without doing any physical damage to the object. In addition, if the item is of the appropriate nature, the item/object can be used as a weapon with the additional protection or damage capabilities that the flame sheath provides. Julia has absolute control of the flame sheath, and can expand/or contract it at will, as well as exercise precise control the intensity of the flames (down to a tenth of a degree). She primarily has used this ability to sheath swords with flame (in order to fool individuals into believing that she is an angel).
