Kristen Bealer
Kristen Bealer is a fanfic author, chocolate connoisseur, comedy writer, librarian and beta reader of immense patience. Under pain of pitchforks, she is not to be confused with Kristin (Angelinhel). Though the number of her fanfics is few, they are lively, witty, and genuinely funny. She has a reputation as one of the premier writers of pre-canon fanfiction.
In 2010, she became guest blogger for the Daria Fandom Blog in the absence of The Angst Guy, hence her blog name, "The Kristen Bealer Guy."
- All Hallow's Peeved
- Balletdictorian
- Before the Deprogramming
- Blood, Sweat, and Cheers
- But What About the Baby (Sitter)?!
- Camped Out
- Card Games
- Children of the Scorn
- Country Wisdom
- Daria's Inferno: A Not-So-Divine Comedy
- Don't Sweat the Mall Stuff
- The Idiocy
- The Imitation
- It's Like the Beginning of an Era [1]
- I've Waited Here for You
- Last of the Summer Whine
- The Life and Death of Stacy III
- A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing
- Moving the Goalposts
- Of Inhuman Bonding
- A QB Grows in Lawndale
- Shake, Shake, Quiver and Quake
- Shush First, Ask Questions Later
- Squandered Potential
- The Tween Queen of the Camp
- Two Under Par
- When the Bough Breaks
86 Bottles of Beer (a Get Smart crossover) by Kristen Bealer:
- Do I Have to Paint You a Picture?
- The Weed of Crime Bears Glitter Fruit
- All Creatures Great and Maul
- I Spy, with My Extra Eye
Daria Fanworks Awards[edit]
- Favorite Comedy The Idiocy
- Favorite Crossover (tie) The Idiocy
- Favorite Comedy for A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing
- Favourite Overall for Card Games
- Favourite Dramatic Comedy for Card Games
- Favourite Pre-Esteemsters for Card Games
- Favorite Comedy for Daria’s Inferno: A Not-So-Divine Comedy
- Favorite Pre-Esteemsters for Squandered Potential
- Favorite Character Development/Redevelopment/Growth (tie) for Squandered Potential
- Favorite Supernatural or Fantasy Non-Horror for Daria’s Inferno: A Not-So-Divine Comedy
- Favorite Comedy (tie) for But What About The Baby Sitter?
- Favorite Dramatic Comedy (tie) for Blood, Sweat, and Cheers
- Favorite Romance - Straight (tie) for I've Waited Here For You
- Favorite School Centered for Blood, Sweat, and Cheers
- Favorite Jane Story for Blood, Sweat, and Cheers
- Favorite Pre-Esteemsters for It's Like the Beginning of an Era
- Favorite Holiday Story for Over the River and Through the Mood Swings
- Favorite Comedy for Don't Sweat the Mall Stuff
- Favorite Quinn for Don't Sweat the Mall Stuff
- Favorite Pre-Esteemsters for Balletdictorian
- Favorite Pre-Canon for All Hallow's Peeved
- Favorite Holiday Story for All Hallow's Peeved
- Favourite Pre-Canon for The Tween Queen of the Camp
- Favourite Fantasy for Trix of the Trade
- Favorite Character Development/Growth for A QB Grows in Lawndale (Kevin)
- Favourite Comedy for Why?
- Favourite Pre-Canon for I'm Dreaming of a Trite Christmas