Kyle Armalin: Difference between revisions

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'''Telepathy:''' It has recently been revealed that Kyle, at one time, possessed the psionic power of telepathy. No details are available (at this time) as to the nature or level of his former ability, except that he apparently chose to voluntarily have this power renoved or supressed. In addition, as none of the known members of [[Project Nightbreed]] who gained their powers fron him have ever exhibited telepathic powers (as they have all of his other abilities), this suggests that the manner in which his power was supressed affected his genetic structure in a very specific fashion.
This could also have explained the psychological block that Kyle had before his encounter with [[Black Majesty]], which had kept him from using his power of hyperspeed flight/levitation (a power which all other Nightbreed gaining their powers from him have). In [[Legion of Lawndale Heroes]] 12.56 ([[TwoBop TribesTill You Drop]]), it is revealed that Kyle's telepathic power has returned (and he has had it since LLH 11.7) - and that he once possesed psi-powers far more powerful than could be imagined, which led directly to his current abilities.