Kyle Armalin: Difference between revisions

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'''Levitation:''' Kyle has the ability to levitate himself and move at speeds of up to 15 MPH for as long as he chooses. He rarely uses this ability, as it is usually too slow for his purposes.
'''Power Boost:''' Kyle can increase his power to a frightening extent by an act of concentration, or through experiencing severe emotional states such as extreme rage. When he does this, his strength and speed increases (he can lift up to seventy-five tons, and he has no limitation on his land speed), his leaping ability increases tenfold and his healing ability also increases (he cannot be stopped by traditional firearms and edged weapons.) His facial features contort to resemble that of a traditional 'vampire'; his eyes take on a totally black appearance, and his fangs are fully extended. After he has 'vamped out', he is exausted and needs to rest for an extended period of time.
'''Power Creation:''' Due to procedures performed upon him by government scientists, Kyle has the ability to secrete a solution in his saliva and blood that acts as a mutagenic agent when it enters the bloodstream of another person, giving that person abilities equivalent to his own, but at somewhat lower levels. The process takes up to twenty-four hours to fully reconfigure the subject’s genetic structure; however, if the subject also receives a direct transfusion of blood from Kyle, the power levels generated will be at significantly higher levels and take less time to manifest (Franklin Divers, Priscilla Henry and Stacy Rowe of the LLH received transfusions and as such, have power levels equal to Kyle’s).