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'''Vampiric Mimicry:''' Kyle possesses a number of metahuman abilities usually attributed to the classical literary beings known as [ ‘vampires’] – or more specifically, to the vampiric variant known as [ ‘daywalkers’.]Those abilities are as follows:
'''Enhanced Strength:''' Kyle can lift up to tentwenty tons.
'''Enhanced Speed:''' Kyle can move at speeds of up to 800 MPH (slightly above Mach 1) until he begins to tire, or instantly achieve short bursts of hypersonic speed (up to 4000 MPH - slightly faster than Mach 5, which he uses to simulate teleportation). He cannot move at the higher speeds for longer than thirty seconds and simply stops from exhaustion if he attempts to do so.
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'''Protected Senses:''' Kyle has the ability to resist sensory overload that would incapacitate a normal human or most metahumans, such as sonic blasts or the sound of an explosion, the flash of a nuclear weapon, etc.
'''Resistance to Fire/Heat:''' Kyle possesses an amazing resistance to fire, heat, and the resulting effects (smoke, etc.) He can walk though the flames of a major forest fire without harm.
'''Resistance to Radiation:''' Kyle also possesses an amazing resistance to radiation (including UV radiation).
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'''Accelerated Healing and Recovery:''' Kyle possesses the ability to heal from injury and disease. Kyle can completely recover from any non-fatal wound within twenty-four hours, and resist the effects of any known disease (in severe cases, he lapses into a catatonic state as his body purges itself of the disease/biological agent and repairs itself).
'''Reduced Aging:''' Kyle possesses this power and now ages very slowly (at 1/50th normal human rate).
'''Invisibility to Machines:''' Kyle has the ability to render himself invisible to any form of detection through mechanical or technological means (even through secondary means such as mirrors). When he uses this ability, he can only be seen by the naked eye.
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'''Homeostasis/Self-Sustenance:''' Kyle has the ability to control his body temperature, the resultant effects of temperature and the need for life-sustaining materials upon his body. Because of this, Kyle can exist in any hazardous environment (icy waters, arid deserts, arctic plains, monsoon-swept areas, hard vacuum, etc.) for extended periods without risking the detrimental effects of exposure. In addition, Kyle possesses a virtual invisibility to all heat-related detection and tracking devices, as he can simply stop radiating heat from his body.
'''Molecular Control:''' Kyle has the ability to temporarily transform his physical form from solid to gaseous form. He cannot remain in this form for more than several hours before reverting to normal. In this form, Kyle can travel at speeds of roughly seventy MPH, or cover a radius of roughly 270 feet in ‘fog’. During his trip to the [[United States Academy for Extranormal Studies]], Kyle learned how to use his power to make his physical form 'ultra-dense', allowing him to greatly enhance his resistance to harm (temporarily), and shrink to a height of several micrometers. (While minaturized, Kyle can control his weight, allowing him to strike targets with his full weight and strength forhigh levels of damage.)
'''Animal Affinity:''' Kyle has a natural affinity with specific animals traditionally classified as ‘dark’ – wolves, rats, cats, snakes, and so forth. They will not attack him unless under the control of another, and seem to have a natural rapport with Kyle that allows him to speak with and understand them.
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When Kyle engages a boosting of his power levels:
*his strength increases (he can lift up toover 100 tons)
*his speed doubles (he can move at Mach 10, and leave the Earth's atmosphere on his own)
*he has no limitations on his speed (his speed increase can apply to running or flight)