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Leonard Lamm

From DariaWiki

Leonard Lamm, voiced by Geoffrey Arend, appeared in "Fizz Ed".

He negotiates and sets up the advertising contract between Lawndale High and Ultra Cola, dazzling Angela Li with mass jargon and promises of money, while quietly leaving out the drawbacks. As he put it: "our young people are our greatest resource. Therefore, let us mine that resource". He even tried to justify the advertising bombardment that would take place about a month after the advertising contract started, at the same time that he practically silenced the obvious moral objections that were implied on those practices, saying that not accepting the contract would make Lawndale High School become "a sheltered ivory tower that fails to prepare their students for life outside its walls". In the face of Daria Morgendorffer asking questions, he cheerfully dodged each one.

Four weeks in, he finally brought up the drawbacks - no money for the school unless it met its "quota" - and began to tighten the screws on Li, forcing her into ever dodgier and obviously unethical and immoral ways to increase consumption. (If only the students had some motivation to drink soda beyond simple thirst)("By the way... how are your students' grades this period?"). By doing this, he caused Li to forget that the main target of her actions should be to increase Ultra Cola's sales instead of simply promoting Ultra Cola's consumption for free, which eventually became one of the reasons why his plan failed. He watched with disapproval when the Lawndale Lions lost a game due to too much Ultra Cola and revealed that a forfeited home game was itself a contract violation. This caused Li's breakdown which led to the contract being rewritten: ironically, this had likely cost Lamm a bigger job, as Superintendent Cartwright planned to have Lamm draw up contracts for all the schools.

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