Love Poems About Stacy

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Revision as of 20:42, 16 June 2007 by m>Starmeshelion

Love Poems About Stacy is an ongoing project by starmeshelion to write a collection of love poems about Stacy Rowe. The poems tend towards Gothic (or pseudo-Gothic) romance, and emphasise Stacy's character as perceived by the author.

List Of Poems

  • Untitled
  • Dishevelled
  • 04/03/07: Mourning
  • Conventions
  • Ferris Wheel
  • November, 16:00
  • Lawndale
  • Wardrobe
  • The Saboteur
  • Governor's Park
  • Contrast
  • Anticipation
  • Lake District
  • Self-Harm
  • 2004

Critical Response

Love Poems About Stacy met with mixed critical reception. Whilst some enjoyed the confessional mood created by the darker poems in the collection, others felt that it pushed Starmeshelion's love for Stacy to disturbing extremes.

External Links

Love Poems About Stacy, on PPMB