May Day

From DariaWiki
Revision as of 08:00, 28 April 2007 by m>RLobinske

The 17th story in the Falling Into College series by Richard Lobinske. The story occurs from late April to early May, 2000.


Daria's transcription job ends and her boss recommends a position at the Raft University Press. After the first day of final exams, Michael comes to Daria to say he's been accepted to a prestigious archeology program that will have him studying in Rome for three years. When Daria asks about their relationship, Michael presents a ring and proposes. To accept means that Daria must give up part of her dreams to go to Rome, and if she asks Michael to stay, he must give up his dream of studying there. Daria returns the ring and tells him they need to end things before they hurt each other any more.