Mental In The Morning

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A private forum on SFMB dedicated as a support group to . It was founded by Tafka

On MITM's Creation and reason for existing

In Tafka's own words:

Well actually what happened was that I had a major bipolar meltdown six months prior to that, partially as a result of having trusted the wrong person with knowledge of my mental health problem, swearing them to secrecy & hoping they wouldn't use it against me. They did and that is history, and in truth I have that person to thank for both my chronic mistrust of anyone without having them crawl through broken glass to prove it, and also for my becoming an activist for mental health awareness & support in Daria Fandom. In short, as a result of that meltdown, I created a yahoo group called Mental In The Morning to promote a safe environment for the support of Daria Fans, like myself, with mental illness & nowhere to turn. After a few months, Thea Zara offered me some space on SFBM for MITM and I thought it was a fabulous idea, since that forum was much more accessable to daria fans than the yahoo group was. The group has been a roaring success, and has seen many friendships form as the result of talking out problems, sharing & understanding - in some cases reversing bitter emnity.