
Military fanfics depict one or more Daria characters in a branch of the armed services. These can be post-canon, depicting a path characters take after Lawndale High; or alternate universe stories where the characters live in a real-world war or a Science Fiction conflict.
A few fanfics have depicted "Mad Dog" Morgendorffer's military service - notably "Chosin Fate" by Richard Lobinske, depicting him with PTSD - or Jake Morgendorffer's time at Buxton Ridge Military Academy, such as Kristen Bealer's "Shake, Shake, Quiver and Quake".
Examples of characters joining after school include:
- Decelaraptor's "Kadhimiya", where Quinn had joined the National Guard and found herself sent overseas during the Iraq War
- CAP's "Salmon", where both Jeffy (Navy) and Stacy Rowe (Coast Guard) have spent a term in service and come out more mature.
- The Angst Guy's "Darkness" reveals in one scene that Upchuck died during the Iraq War, something that reshapes a future Daria's perception of him
- CAP's "The Road Not Taken By Tom" (requires the Rosetta Stone), an Iron Chef where Tom Sloane doesn't go to Bromwell, has Tom apply to the Coast Guard Academy to prove his own merits
Examples of alternate universes include:
- Night Witches by Jason Weiser, with Daria and Jane as bomber pilots during a 1980s Third World War (with Amy Barksdale later appearing as a propaganda agent)
- Submariner Series by Wildgoose, where a limited nuclear war caused by Y2K sees Daria and Jane drafted into the US Navy
- Gimme Skelter by The Angst Guy and Brother Grimace, where Mack is part of a military expedition in a timeline where all white people turned into raging rzombies
- The Round Robin fanfic Mecha Ensign Daria, where the entire cast are teenage mecha pilots in an increasingly militarised fight against giant monsters