My Night at Daria's: Difference between revisions

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In the B plot, Jake and Helen have dinner at [[Tokyo Toby's]], a potential marketing client. As a result of eating bad sushi, Jake get an infestation of parasites. He also develops a taste for sake.
In the original airing, "Crash and Burn" by Savage Garden was played when Tom & Daria reacted to Quinn's radio; this is a generic song with faint lyrics the DVD copy. Unfortunately, Tom and Daria are clearly responding to a song with loud, high pitched lyrics (Daria questions if Garden are "a traveling band of eunuchs").
The replacement music uses "Oolala" by [[Extreme Music]], a recurring Quinn track in the DVDs, for Daria confronting Quinn instead of the original "Survivor" by Destiny's Child.
It is in this episode that we learn more-or-less definitively, or perhaps more accurately we are given a too-undeniable reminder, that [[Brittany Taylor]] and [[Kevin Thompson]] are sexually active. (Upon "learning" about Daria and Tom, Brittany tells Daria, "Now we can have womanly talks!")
